Little Rock 311

What is 311?

Little Rock 311 is a simple, three-digit number that residents, businesses and visitors can call to reach the City to make inquiries regarding services, report problems, check the status of issues or obtain general information. Instead of having to scroll through a list of more than 200 seven (7)-digit City numbers, all people need to know is 3-1-1. From obtaining City resources, identifying the location of a pothole, to reporting a stray dog in your neighborhood and a whole lot more, 311 operators are ready to assist.

Why was 311 created? 

The 311 service is part of an ongoing effort by Little Rock to make City Government easier and more responsive to the needs of residents, its business owners and visitors. The City of Little Rock 311 system is a part of the 2004 Bond Project approved by the voters.

Contact Information 

City Services: Dial 3-1-1
Customer Service: (501) 371-4437 Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. noon

For immediate emergencies, call 911.