Sidewalk Construction in/around UAMS

This is an important pedestrian corridor, connecting Stifft Station, UAMS, the CLR Zoo, and War Memorial Park locally and a spur of the Midline regionally, however it has missing pedestrian links.  This project would address those links, making this a connected and safe pedestrian corridor.

Figure 1.  A pedestrian corridor across the UAMS campus would help promote public health.

Where Could Sidewalks/Crosswalks Be Installed?

* Crosswalk across the War Memorial Stadium entrance at the corner of Monroe and 7th

* Pedestrian landing on the northwest corner of Monroe and 7th

* Crosswalk across Monroe at 7th St. on the north side of the intersection

* Sidewalk on the north side of 7th St. between Monroe and Hooper Dr.

* Crosswalk at S. Palm St.

* Crosswalk across Hooper Dr. at Shuffield Dr. on the south side of the intersection

* Pedestrian landing in the Hooper Dr. boulevard

* Sidewalk along Shuffield Dr. from Hooper Dr. for approximately 260 ft. until intersecting with the existing sidewalk.