Friendly Driver 2020 Dates
Monday, January 13th 9:00-11:00am (Thompson Driving, J)
Tuesday, February 25th 11:00am-1:00pm (Centre, J)
Tuesday, March 17th 5:30-7:30pm (CALS-Fribourgh, E) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19)
Monday, April 6th 5:30-7:30pm (CALS-Fribourgh, S) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19)
Thursday, May 21st 5:30-7:30pm (CALS-Fribourgh, L) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19)
Saturday, September 19th 10:00am-12:00pm (CALS-Children's, J) (outdoors, social distanced, masks required, 10 participants max.)
Centre = Centre at University Park, 6401 W 12th St., Little Rock, AR 72204
CALS-Fribourgh = Central Arkansas Library System Main Library, 100 Rock Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, Fribourgh Room
RM = Rivermarket, 400 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR 72201, 2nd Floor (above David's Burgers)
CALS-Children's = Hillary Rodham Clinton Children's Library and Learning Center, 4800 W. 10th Street, Little Rock, AR 72204
- Government
- Employment
- Citizen Services & Helpful Numbers
- 311
- Animal Services
BikePed Little Rock
- Why BikePed?
- Contact BikePed Little Rock
- Coexist with Cars
- Coexist with Bikes
- Wear a Helmet
- Walking with Vehicles
- Sharing BikePed Trails
- Three Feet Law
- ABC Quick Check
- Signaling
- Stopping and Starting in Traffic
- Coexist with Peds
- Scanning
- What to Wear
- Bike Lanes
- People-Friendly Driving
- Riding Through Intersections
- Commuter Mentoring
- Friendly Driver Program
- LCI Training
- Resources
- BFC Bronze June 2020
- BFC Bronze May 2016
- Complete Streets Policy Among Best of 2015
- BikePed Count
- Community
- Evaluation
- What Can I Do?
- Projects
- Complete Streets Master Plan
- Board of Directors - Meeting Agendas
- FAQs: General
- Little Rock Identification Card
- Little Rock Marathon
- Online Payments
- Parks and Recreation
- Police Department
- Recycling
- Solid Waste Pickup
- Title VI Complaints
- District Courts
- Zoo
- Volunteer
- Flood Information
- Sustainability
- Business
- E-News
- City News
- Online Payments