Volunteer Park Ranger Program Introduced

Seal of Little Rock
Wednesday, Aug 01, 2012

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Meg Matthews (501) 371-4421

Contact Information

Meg Matthews

Public Relations Manager

(501) 371-4421



Media Advisory


What: New Volunteer Park Ranger Program Introduced

When: Friday, August 3, 2012 – 10:00 a.m.

Where: MacArthur Park Front Lawn

In his State of the City address, Mayor Mark Stodola announced plans to implement a Volunteer Park Ranger Program which would be operated through the Little Rock Parks & Recreation Department.  The purpose of this program is to recruit individuals to serve as "Goodwill Ambassadors" in our City’s parks.


On Friday this new program will be introduced to the public. The event will occur in front of the MacArthur Military Museum at 10:00 a.m. Mayor Stodola, City Manager Bruce Moore and other key staff members will be on hand to explain how the Volunteer Rangers will impact our City.  

All Park Rangers will be required to complete prescribed training to include: proper interaction with the public, park orientation, traffic control, park patrol procedures, EMS "first responder" training, CPR and the use of AED's (Automated External Defibrillators).  This training will be provided by Little Rock Fire and Police Departments, Audubon Arkansas as well as other agencies. Uniforms will be worn by Rangers while on duty and will be provided by the City.

Hindman, Morehart, Wakefield, MacArthur, Riverfront, Murray, Reservoir and War Memorial Parks were selected to launch this program.  As this program grows, all of the developed parks are expected to have a Volunteer Park Ranger presence. 

All potential Park Ranger Recruits are required to complete an application and pass a background check, before they may begin volunteering.


This program is administered through Little Rock Serves a Cities of Service initiative, which is a program of the Bloomberg Philanthropies and Rockefeller Foundation.