Wednesday, Oct 26, 2022
Public Notice
City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801
Contact: Spencer Watson | (w) 501 804 4822 | (e) sswatson@littlerock.gov
UPDATE 10/26: Yard Waste collection has resumed with Tuesday routes. Collection will focus on missed routes until caught up and may be delayed by one day until the end of this week. The City appreciates residents’ patience while we work to resume normal collection.
Little Rock Public Works Solid Waste has suspended yard waste collections today, Oct. 25, in order to cover garbage routes. The suspension is due to a shortage of available trucks. Fleet Services is working through supply chain issues to get those trucks pending repairs back on the road as soon as possible. Once we have updates on resumption of yard waste collection, a notice of how those materials will be recovered will be provided.