Storm Debris Collection Maps Now Available Online

Seal of Little Rock
Monday, Mar 04, 2013

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Meg Matthews (501) 371-4421

Contact Information:

Meg Matthews

Public Relations Manager

City of Little Rock

(501) 371-4421

(501) 804-4822


City of Little Rock Makes Storm Debris

Collection Maps Available Online

(Little Rock, AR – March 5, 2013)



City of Little Rock residents will now be able to view online which streets have had storm debris picked up by going to


“It will be as simple as the click of a mouse to find out where collection crews have been,” said City Manager Bruce Moore.  “Each of the seven Wards in the City of Little Rock will have its own map that will be updated every Tuesday and we will continue to make them available online until the job is completed.”


To access the maps, go to and click on December 2012 Winter Storm Update on the home page. From there, residents can click on which Ward map they’d like to see and can use the zoom function to locate their street.


The Christmas Winter Storm Event left an estimated 22,000 tons of fallen trees and limbs.  So far, more than 9,000 tons have been collected and taken to the landfill where it is being turned into mulch.


“This is a labor intensive project,” said Steve Beck, Public Works Department Director.  “The crews that are on this job are working seven days a week. Some areas of the city were harder hit than others - the debris is not spread equally among all the neighborhoods. This makes it difficult to say how long it takes a crew to sweep a street. One street may take the better part of a day for a crew to collect all the limbs and fallen trees, while other streets could take a crew 20 minutes – it all depends on the amount of storm debris that is on the curbside.”


The contractor hired to finish this huge job is Ceres Environmental. They expect to complete their first round of collections on every city street in the next few weeks.  At that time, the second round of collections will begin.  The public will be notified so residents can put out any remaining storm debris on their curbside. The contract with Ceres is for 160 days, however they anticipate finishing this project before that time is up.


Efforts to keep the public notified about storm debris collection progress will continue throughout this process.  The City of Little Rock would like to thank residents for their continued patience.