Mayor Scott Announces Choice for Chief of Police Keith Humphrey Ready to Help Make Little Rock “Safest City in the United States”

Seal of Little Rock
Thursday, Mar 21, 2019

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Contact: Stephanie Jackson | (c) 501.690.6682 | (e)

On Thursday, Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. announced Keith Humphrey as the next chief of police of the Little Rock Police Department (LRPD) in a press conference at the City Hall Rotunda. Humphrey most recently served as chief of police in Norman, Oklahoma.  He will begin as LRPD chief April 22.

During the announcement, Scott thanked internal candidates for their service, dedication, and commitment to Little Rock, and said Humphrey stood out as the best candidate because of his experience as chief in Norman and Lancaster, Texas, as well as his commitment to crime reduction through community policing.

Today’s announcement, which Scott called the most important decision of his first term as mayor, comes after “conducting interviews, watching interactions and engagement at the community forums, listening to feedback from the Board of Directors, city department directors, the Fraternal Order of Police and the Black Police Officers Association, and various community members, and much personal prayer and reflection,” Scott said. Mayor Scott also highlighted Humphrey’s mentorship of officers—at least six of whom have been promoted to chiefs of police around the country.

“This selection begins a new era of establishing in some communities and enhancing in others, the trust that is crucial between police and the community if we truly desire to unite and focus on moving our city forward,” Scott said.

An emotional Humphrey began remarks by saying this position is a “dream come true,” and thanked God for giving him this opportunity. Humphrey also thanked his wife, children and LRPD Interim Chief Wayne Bewley for his leadership while a search was conducted.

Humphrey said he is amazed at the love and passion that exists in Little Rock and the police department. He announced that he expects the public to hold him accountable as he works towards making LRPD “the best department not only in Arkansas but the nation… We’re working towards making this the safest city, not only in Arkansas but in the United States.”