Little Rock Wastewater Wins 2 National Awards

Seal of Little Rock
Monday, Dec 17, 2007

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Joseph Schaffner 501-688-1449

(December 18, 2007 - Little Rock) The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) has awarded Little Rock Wastewater 2 Gold Peak Performance Awards for both treatment facilities, the Fourche Creek Treatment Facility and Adam’s Field Treatment Facility for 2006.

NACWA is an organization that represents the interests of the country's wastewater treatment agencies, “true environmental practitioners that serve the majority of the sewered population in the United States, and collectively treat and reclaim more than 18 billion gallons of wastewater each day. NACWA maintains a key role in the development of environmental legislation, and works closely with federal regulatory agencies in the implementation of environmental programs.”

The Peak Performance Award has been bestowed upon wastewater agencies since 1986. It is given to facilities that consistently meet all National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit limits during the year. Between the Fourche Creek Treatment Facility and Adam’s Field Treatment Facility there are a combined 1,194 possible violation points. To be awarded the Gold Peak Performance Award means that an agency has ZERO violations, which Little Rock Wastewater had for 2006 at both facilities and it is looking positive for a repeat performance in 2007.
