Seal of Little Rock
Friday, Mar 27, 2009

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Bryan Day 501-371-4510

Offices Remain Open; Public Meetings Relocated to Other Facilities

(Little Rock – March 27, 2009) A new elevator is being installed in Little Rock City Hall to replace the existing one. Because there is only one elevator in the building, and it will not be functioning during the installation, all public meetings will be relocated during the installation process. This is necessary to ensure that the public meetings are accessible to all Little Rock citizens and other visitors.

From April 1 through July 31, all meetings of the Little Rock City Board of Directors, Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, Midtown Redevelopment District No. 1 Advisory Board, Civil Service Commission, City Beautiful Commission, Historic District Commission, and Sister Cities Commission will take place outside of Little Rock City Hall.

Other Boards and Commissions of the City currently meet outside of City Hall.

“The City apologizes for the inconvenience to the citizens,” said Assistant City Manager Bryan Day, “but this repair needed to be made. City staff has worked to relocate these meetings as close to City Hall as possible. After 101 years of coming to the corner of Markham and Broadway, some people may forget that meetings are not at City Hall for a few weeks. The Convention and Visitors Bureau has made space available in Robinson Center and Statehouse Convention Center for these meetings.”

Though public meetings will not be taking place in City Hall, all offices will remain open. Individuals with disabilities who might not be able to move beyond the first floor of the building can call 501-371-4510 to make arrangements for meetings or check in on the first floor when they arrive at City Hall. 

Most meetings of the City Board of Directors and the Planning Commission will be broadcast live on LRTV, as they are currently. The only exceptions are the April 7 Board meeting and May 26 Board agenda session which will be held in the Statehouse Convention Center. Due to technical limitations, meetings in the Statehouse Convention Center cannot be broadcast live. Those meetings will be taped and broadcast later that evening and throughout the week.

Due to the installation of the remote taping equipment, the April 2 Planning Commission meeting may not be broadcast live, but it, too will be taped and re-aired. All other Planning Commission meetings will air live.

The repairs were authorized by the City Board of Directors at their December 2, 2008, Board Meeting. The total cost is $160,098, which is being paid out of the 2008 short-term financing.


Schedule of Relocated Meetings


Meetings - 6:00 PM
April 7 - Statehouse Convention Center - Ballroom C
April 21 - Robinson Center - Room 102
May 5 - Robinson Center - Room 102
May 19 - Robinson Center - Room 102
June 2 - Robinson Center - Room 102
June 16 - Robinson Center - Room 102
July 7 - Robinson Center - Room 102
July 21 - Robinson Center - Room 102

Agenda Sessions - 4:00 PM
April 14 - Robinson Center - Room 102
April 28 - Robinson Center - Room 102
May 12 - Robinson Center - Room 402
May 26 – Statehouse Convention Center – Fulton Room
June 9 - Robinson Center - Room 102
June 30 - Robinson Center - Room 102
July 14 - Robinson Center - Room 102
July 28 - Robinson Center - Room 102


Meetings - 4:00 PM
April 2 – Robinson Center - Room 103
April 30 - Robinson Center - Room 402
May 14 - Robinson Center - Room 103
June 11 - Robinson Center - Room 402
June 25 - Robinson Center - Room 402
July 23 - Robinson Center - Room 103

Agenda Sessions - 3:30 PM
April 2 – Robinson Center - Room 102
April 30 - Robinson Center - Room 401
May 14 - Robinson Center - Room 102
June 11 - Robinson Center - Room 102
June 25 - Robinson Center - Room 401
July 23 - Robinson Center - Room 102

Informal Meetings - 3:30 PM
April 16 -- Robinson Center - Room 103
May 28 -- Robinson Center - Room 402
July 9 -- Robinson Center - Room 102

Sub-Committee Meetings - 12:00 PM
April 9 - Robinson Center - Room 102
April 23 -- Robinson Center - Room 402
May 21 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
June 4 -- Robinson Center - Room 103
July 2 -- Robinson Center - Room 103
July 16 -- Robinson Center - Room 102


Meetings - 2:00 PM
April 27 -- Robinson Center - Room 103
May 18 -- Robinson Center - Room 103
June 29 -- Robinson Center - Room 103
July 27 -- Robinson Center - Room 103

Agenda Sessions - 1:30 PM
April 27 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
May 18 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
June 29 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
July 27 -- Robinson Center - Room 102

Midtown Advisory Board - 8:30 AM
April 24 – Statehouse Convention Center – Pope Room
May 22 – Robinson Center – Room 102
June 26 – Robinson Center – Room 102
July 24 – Robinson Center – Room 102

City Beautiful Commission - 11:30 AM
April 2 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
May 7 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
June 4 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
July 2 -- Robinson Center - Room 102

Historic District Commission - 5:00 PM
April 13 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
May 11 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
June 8 -- Robinson Center - Room 102
July 13 -- Robinson Center - Room 102

Civil Service Commission - 8:00 AM
April 9 - Robinson Center - Room 401
April 23 - Robinson Center - Room 401
May 14 - Robinson Center - Room 401
May 28 - Robinson Center - Room 401
June 11 – Statehouse Convention Center – Caraway I
June 25 – Robinson Center – Room 403
July 9 - Robinson Center - Room 401
July 23 - Robinson Center - Room 401

Sister Cities Commission
The Sister Cities Commission is finalizing its meeting schedule.