Judge Closes Heritage House

Seal of Little Rock
Thursday, Mar 29, 2012

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Meg Matthews

  Contact Information:

Meg Matthews

Public Relations Manager


(501) 804-4822

Press Release

(Little Rock – March 29, 2012)


5th Circuit Judge Wendell Griffin has agreed with the City of Little Rock that Heritage House Inn at 7500 South University Avenue should be closed and evacuated.


“We were extremely concerned with the safety of the residents the Heritage House,” said City Manager Bruce Moore. “Numerous fire, maintenance, electrical  and sanitary codes were in violation. Judge Griffin determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Little Rock to shut down all three buildings at that hotel and we applaud his decision.”


Today’s show cause hearing began at 9:00 a.m. and ended at 2:00 p.m. Assistant City Attorney Alex Betten and Deputy City Attorney Amy Fields argued before the court that the owners of Heritage House were in contempt of numerous court orders dating back to 2005 that addressed the code violations.


Residents of Heritage House will be asked to leave the premises as soon as possible. The City’s Department of Housing and Neighborhood Programs will assist those residents find safer housing.


“We are coordinating with our twelve facilitators to assess what is needed in terms of emergency relocation,” said Housing and Neighborhood Programs Department Director Andre Bernard. “Possibilities include helping them find an apartment or another temporary hotel.”


The owners of Heritage House are ordered to keep their business closed until all their buildings are in full compliance with the City’s codes.