Gibbs Elementary International Magnet School Recognition

Seal of Little Rock
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Public Relations Office



(Tuesday, May 21, 2013) There is a saying that one can fix anything with duct tape.  At the May 21, 2013, the City of Little Rock recognized students from Gibbs Magnet School of International Studies and Foreign Languages for using duct tape to help those affected by the December shootings in Newtown CT.

The students are third graders in Jennifer White’s classroom at the school. According to Little Rock City Manager Bruce T. Moore, the students approached Ms. White asking what they could do to help the students in Connecticut.  They brainstormed various ways to help.  One student offered, “I make things out of duct tape, and we could sell them to make money.”  Out of that, the highly successful KIDS STICK TOGETHER (KST) project was born.

                Working with Ms. White, the students chose the organization to receive the donations.  Because long-term counseling for families and victims is a need, the students chose the Healing Heart Bereavement Center in Danbury CT.  This counseling center is helping many of the Newtown families and operates solely from donations.

                Students began making items, especially from duct tape, and opened a store in the school to sell their products.  The students worked on the manufacturing at home as well as in the classroom.  During their economics and mathematics class times, students have not only made products, but they have learned the terminology of business and used math skills of making change and counting money. 

The items are sold during lunch and were also available at a booth during this year’s annual Gibbs International Fest on Friday, May 3. Since opening in late winter, these 8 and 9 year old students have earned a profit of over $2,500 through Kids Stick Together for Healing Hearts. 

The Healing Hearts Bereavement Center has recognized the effort of the Gibbs students by publicizing it throughout Connecticut.  Word of their work has spread throughout the world.  Donations have come from places as far away as California and Sweden.  In addition, ShurTech, the maker of Duck Brand Duct Tape donated a box of colorful duct tape to be used. 

When asked why they wanted to help children a thousand miles away, the Gibbs students have a very simple answer, “Kids Stick Together, no matter what!”