Seal of Little Rock
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Scott Carter 501-371-4421

24 year veteran of LRPD Chief’s Office Named City of Little Rock Employee of the Year

(Wednesday, May 6, 2009) – Gay Spencer, who has worked in the Little Rock Police Department Chief’s Office for 24 years, was named the 2009 recipient of the Mahlon A. Martin Employee of the Year for the City of Little Rock. The announcement was made by City Manager Bruce T. Moore at a luncheon as a part of the City’s annual Employee Appreciation Week. Joining Moore in the award presentation was Sheryl Martin Berger, the widow of Mahlon A. Martin.

Mrs. Spencer was cited for her dedication, efficiency, and knowledge. As Police Chief Stuart Thomas said, “Throughout the Department, and indeed throughout the City organization, if someone needs to know information, they just say, ‘Call Gay.’”

Mrs. Spencer has worked in the Police Chief’s office through five Police Chiefs and four interim Chiefs. Chief Thomas said, “She is the glue that holds this department together.”

The Mahlon A. Martin Award was established in 2004 by City Manager Bruce T. Moore to acknowledge City of Little Rock employees who exhibit a high quality of job performance and significantly contribute to the quality of life within the City. The recognition begins at the department level and culminates with the selection of one person from the departmental nominees to be chosen as the recipient of the Mahlon A. Martin Award.

Mahlon A. Martin was the first African-American to serve as Little Rock City Manager, Director of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, and Manager of Methods and Standards Departments of Systematics, Inc. Martin also served as President of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation until his death in 1995. Although Martin’s rise up through the ranks to become Little Rock’s first African-American City Manager is highly significant, the Employee of Year Award is named in his memory as a testament to the type of person that he was and the integrity he maintained throughout his career in government.

The other two finalists were Cindy Covey, Parks and Recreation, and Anthony Bell, Fleet Services. Previous recipients of the Mahlon A. Martin Award were Modena Jardina, Human Resources Department, in 2004; Linda Baer, Finance Department, in 2005; Clay Waters, Finance Department, in 2006; Bill Mann, Chief Deputy City Attorney in 2007, and Steve Kendricks, LRTV, in 2008.

The other 2009 Departmental Employees of the Year are Debra Weldon, City Attorney’s Office; Toya Robinson, City Manager’s Office; Barbara Osborne, Community Programs; Shannon Grady, District Court (Traffic); Lynn Umholtz, Finance; James Beck, Fire; Tracye Ross, Housing & Neighborhood Programs; Gertha Harper, Human Resources; April Prewitt, Information Technology; David McClymont, Planning & Development; Doug Vaughn, Public Works; and Marie Greene, Zoo.

Also at the luncheon, Moore recognized three employees for their outstanding service to the Little Rock citizens and their fellow City employees. The recipients of the first City Manager’s Service Awards were Roosevelt Duncan, Parks and Recreation; Tracy Roark, Animal Services Manager; and Sue Hulsey, Public Works.

Employees who achieved 20, 30, and 40 years of tenure with the City received special recognition at the luncheon. The four 40 year employees are Charles Roark, Fire; Colin Collie, Fire; Walter Frey, Fire; and Henry Woodall, Public Works. There are 388 City of Little Rock employees who have over 20 years of employment with the City.
