Wednesday, Mar 25, 2020
Media Release
City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801
Lamor Williams | (c) 501 804 4822 | (e) llwilliams@littlerock.gov Stephanie Jackson | (c) 501 539 3960 | (e) sbjackson@littlerock.govAt a press conference Wednesday afternoon, Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. made several announcements, all intended to slow the spread of COVID-19, and detailed the creation of an emergency relief fund. Beginning Thursday, March 26, Little Rock’s nightly curfew expands – from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. A daytime curfew for youth under the age of 18 will begin Monday, March 30 and end Friday, April 17 and go from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each weekday. Weekends are excluded, and students with an adult or traveling to and from work or to a grocery store for an elderly relative are exempt. Little Rock Police will enforce both curfews and will issue citations to repeat curfew violators.
“We cannot do business as usual. These are unusual times, and we must do all within our authority to slow the spread of coronavirus,” Mayor Scott said.
Mayor Scott also explained where residents will see the City’s public education campaign “Stay In & Tell a Friend. Stay Home & Stay Safe.” Billboards, web, social media and radio advertising will all be used to encourage residents to maintain social distancing to prevent the rapid spread of coronavirus.
Also announced Wednesday, the Little Rock Cares Emergency Relief Fund will benefit food relief efforts provided by World Central Kitchen and the purchasing of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other COVID-19 related expenses. The tax-deductible contributions can be made online by visiting LittleRock.gov and clicking on the Little Rock Cares link on the homepage. Additionally, medical professionals or other individuals and groups that have stockpiles of PPE are asked to consider donating it to supplement health care and first responder supplies. Donations can be set up by emailing lrcares@littlerock.gov. A donation site will be set up at the City’s Emergency Operations Center.
Residents may visit LittleRock.gov/covid19 for all information about the City’s efforts related to COVID-19.