Friday, Jun 05, 2020
Media Release
City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801
L. Lamor Williams, APR | (c) 501 804 4822 | (e) llwilliams@littlerock.gov Stephanie Jackson | (c) 501 539 3960 | (e) sbjackson@littlerock.govOn Friday, June 5 at an afternoon press briefing, Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. moved the curfew to 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., with intentions to end it Monday.
“We do ask for cooperation from protesters and ask that they remain peaceful throughout this process,” Mayor Scott said.
Also at the briefing, Mayor Scott and Director of Planning and Development Jamie Collins announced the Dine Out initiative to assist local businesses recovering from the economic impact of COVID-19.
“Restaurants, bars, and clubs are returning to in-person service but must contend with health guidelines that have reduced indoor and outdoor seating to 33% of total capacity in the first phase of the state’s reopening plan,” Mayor Scott said. “For many, it is impossible to increase indoor capacity, but this initiative will allow businesses a fast-track, no-cost way to add seating outdoors.”
Working with Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control, the City of Little Rock is offering the opportunity to add temporary outdoor seating without entering into a franchise agreement with the City or paying a fee. Beginning next week, applications will be processed for outdoor seating that may be established or expanded on a temporary basis while Arkansas’s COVID-19 Emergency Declaration is in place and restaurant indoor seating is restricted per Arkansas Department of Health directives.
An application will be available, Tuesday, June 9 at LittleRock.gov/covid19. Restaurateurs with questions may call Vince Floriani at 501.371.4817.
About the City of Little Rock’s Response to COVID-19
Residents may visit LittleRock.gov/covid19 for all information about the City’s efforts related to COVID-19, including the newly created Small Business Emergency Assistance Program. Volunteers are needed to assist with the grab-and-go feeding efforts for vulnerable populations, including students and seniors. Sign up at LittleRock.gov/volunteer. The Little Rock Cares Emergency Relief Fund benefits the grab-and-go feeding effort and the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE). Donations of PPE are also accepted. Donate here or visit LittleRock.gov/covid19 and click on the Little Rock Cares Emergency Relief Fund button. Follow the City of Little Rock on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @CityLittleRock.