032020 Early Update for COVID-19 Response

Seal of Little Rock
Friday, Mar 20, 2020

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Lamor Williams | (c) 501 804 4822 | (e) llwilliams@littlerock.gov Stephanie Jackson | (c) 501 539 3960 | (e) sbjackson@littlerock.gov

Visit littlerock.gov/COVID19 for the latest information on Little Rock’s response to the COVID-19 health crisis. The following changes have been made:

Homeless Services
In an effort to prevent the spread of this infectious disease, the City of Little Rock is accepting grant applications from existing homeless shelters and homeless day resource centers for funding for emergency supplies for sanitation, safety, and public health purposes.

Examples of appropriate requests include emergency supplies for the following:

  • cleaning and disinfecting,
  • food safety,
  • proper handling and disposal of waste
  • isolating persons in the period of contagion from the rest of the population served by the applicant. 

Applications should be submitted through the Homeless Services Grant page at littlerock.gov/COVID19 as early as Tuesday, March 24, 2020, and will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are expended. The maximum award amount is $2,500. 

Grab-and-Go Meals
The City of Little Rock and partners continue to provide meals for students who are out of school during mandatory closures expected to last at least until April 17.

From Saturday, March 14 through Thursday, March 19 more than 13,000 meals have been provided thanks in part to waivers from Little Rock School District and other partners, including, Clinton Foundation, World Central Kitchen, Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance, Arkansas Food Bank, Central Arkansas Library System, and Rock Region Metro. The detailed schedule of grab-and-go meal sites is available at LittleRock.gov/covid19.

Little Rock Animal Village
Pets can provide valuable companionship while people are practicing social distancing to avoid contracting or spreading the coronavirus.

Little Rock Animal Village is implementing an online adoption process that will help its animals find forever homes and relieve crowding at the facility. Crowding has become an issue because animals are usually shipped to shelters in other states but interstate travel has been discouraged during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Those interested in adopting or fostering pets can visit friendsoftheanimalvilllage.org for details.

Residents are encouraged to “Stay In and Tell a Friend” to practice social distancing. They can also visit LittleRock.gov/covid19 to gain further insight about how to best to protect themselves and their loved ones.