Collections & Programs


Curbside Garbage Collection

The City of Little Rock collects household garbage weekly in a City-provided cart. It is picked up by a side loading garbage truck with a hydraulic arm.  Since this is a fully automated system, it is necessary to place the cart with the handle facing away from the street, and no more than five (5) feet from the curb.  Also insure that the cart has at least a three (3)-foot clearance on either side of it.  Please be sure your garbage cart is placed at your collection point by 7:00 AM on your collection day, and removed from the street the by midnight following pick up.

Garbage Collection Days Map


Curbside Recycling Program

The City of Little Rock sub-contracts with a third party for recycling collection and processing.  Curbside recycling is provided on a bi-weekly basis.  Place the recycling cart at least three (3) feet on either side of garbage cart or other obstruction.  Place cart at the curb by 7:00 AM on your scheduled pick-up day, and remove it from the street by midnight following pick-up. For recycling education and to learn what can or cannot be recycled please visit our recycling web page at

Recycling Collection Days Map


Yard Waste Collection

Yard Waste Collection

Yard waste is collected once per week by the City; the business day following your scheduled garbage collection day.  Leaves, grasses, and small twigs must be placed in bags, boxes, or cans smaller than thirty (30) gallons with a total weight of container and contents not exceeding fifty (50) pounds. Limbs should be less than six (6) feet long, and six (6) inches or smaller in diameter, stacked and placed next to the curb. Do not place yard waste in a City-provided garbage cart. All yard waste must be placed within five (5) feet of the curb for collection.  Be sure to place yard waste at the curb by 7:00 AM on your collection day.

Yard Waste Collection Days Map


Compost and Wood Mulch Sales

Yard waste collected by City crews is recycled into compost and wood mulch at the Little Rock Landfill. Finished compost and wood mulch can be purchased at the landfill.  For special pricing and to check availability, call the landfill scale house at (501)-888-5806.  Staff is available to load your vehicle.

Below are prices for the material:

  • Compost: $25.00 per ton
  • Wood Mulch: $25.00 per ton

Solid Waste Facility Location Map - 34°38'57.0"N 92°18'03.6"W - 34.64917, -92.3010


Bulky Item Collection

Bulky Item Collection

A separate pick-up may be scheduled for bulky items that cannot fit in your household garbage cart.  The first four (4) bulky item or appliance pick ups in each calendar year will be at no charge.  Each additional pick-up will be $25.00 for two (2) cubic yards and $10.00 for each cubic yard above that.  The cost will be automatically added to your regular monthly solid waste bill.  Bulky item pick-up must be scheduled in advance by calling 311.

  • Examples of acceptable items for this collection service are: furniture, large appliances (remove refrigerants before pick-up), lawn furniture, and mattresses.
  • Examples of unacceptable items that are restricted from this pick up service are: construction and demolition debris, automotive components, liquid paint, electronic waste (televisions, computer equipment, stereo equipment, etc.), and tires.


Neighborhood Roll-Off Program

Roll-Off Dumpster Program

The Roll-Off Dumpster Program is another service offered by the City in an effort to keep our community clean.  Individuals and neighborhood associations can request a twenty (20) cubic yard roll-off dumpster to be dropped off at a pre-determined agreed upon location.  Individuals are allowed one free roll-off dumpster delivery per calendar year.  Neighborhood associations are allowed eight (8) free roll-off dumpster deliveries per calendar year.  Additional roll-off dumpster, or construction debris dumpster is available for a cost of $327.00.  Containers are placed at the pre-determined location for three (3) days.  To schedule a roll-off dumpster to be delivered to your property or neighborhood, call 311.


Mosquito Spraying

Mosquito Spraying

Mosquito spraying is performed seasonally by Solid Waste Services.  Mosquito spraying is conducted in the evenings in identified areas throughout the City from Spring through fall.  To request mosquito spraying in your area, call 311.


Little Rock Landfill Disposal

Little Rock Landfill Disposal

The Little Rock Landfill at 10801 Ironton Cutoff is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM —4:00 PM.

Solid Waste Facility Location Map - 34°38'57.0"N 92°18'03.6"W - 34.64917, -92.3010

For our customers' convenience, the Little Rock Landfill is open on selected Saturdays through out the year. 2025 Saturday Openings Schedule

Garbage, yard waste, and construction and demolition debris, may be brought to the landfill for a fee. Tires are not allowed to be disposed of at the landfill. Contact Davis Rubber at (501) 374-1473 for tire recycling information. Contact the Landfill Scale House at (501) 888-5806 for information and disposal fees.

Dead Animal Removal

Solid Waste Services provides dead animal removal. Dead animals that have been killed in the vehicle traffic on City streets will be picked up from the street. Dead animals that are on private property must be brought to the curb for pick-up. Pick up cannot be made on private property.

To request this service, call 311.