Holiday Decoration Recycling

Holiday Lights
Take your working or broken Christmas string lights and extension cords to the Little Rock Zoo! The Zoo is partnering with TRG, who will recycle the copper, with proceeds going to the Lion Recovery Fund. They're accepting donations until January 31, 2025 - no ticket needed! Just drop them off atthe collection box by the front gate.
Lights are also accepted at Goodwill. They will recycle any broken string lights! You can also take your string lights and other electronic waste (e-waste) to the Green Station.
Holiday Decorations
Donate any unwanted (but still in good shape) Christmas decorations to your closest Goodwill location.
Find a Goodwill donation center here:
Real Christmas Trees
You can put real Christmas trees at the curb the morning after your regular trash day for yard waste pick up. All decorations MUST be removed. They must be less than 6' long with a trunk less than 6" in diameter and weigh less than 50 lbs. If your tree exceeds any one of these requirements, please cut down into smaller pieces. They will then be picked up at no charge and mulched at our City landfill.
If you live in a multi-family unit and do not have curbside trash services through the City of Little Rock, you can donate your real Christmas tree to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for use as fish habitat in a local waterway. All decorations MUST be removed. Please transport your tree to an approved drop-off location listed here.
Fake Christmas Trees
Plastic and/or man-made trees are not able to be recycled or composted, as they are made up of multiple materials that are hard to separate. If your tree can be used by another household and seems in fair condition, please consider donation first. If it is broken or missing pieces, it will need to be disposed of in the landfill. If there are lights attached, please remove them if possible and recycle the lights as e-waste.
You can opt for a bulky-item pick up, if you are unable to transport the tree to the landfill yourself and are a residential solid waste customer for the City of Little Rock.
Don't see what you're looking for?
If your item is not accepted at the Green Station, and it's not listed on the Special Items page, please contact us at or at 501-371-4646.