Administration is responsible for management and direction of all Planning and Development Divisions, ensuring all Departmental goals are met, with regards to administrative and employee services, implementation of policies and procedures, and employee training.
Planning & Development Administration |
Bradley Jordan, Director |
Amelia Goldman, Administrative Assistant |
The Planning Division is responsible for overseeing the comprehensive development and sustainable growth of Little Rock and the three-mile planning area surrounding the city limits. Through a combination of current and long-range planning, the division works to enhance the quality of life for residents by reviewing development proposals, shaping land use policies, revising codes, providing area guidelines, and creating long-term plans to ensure efficiency and equity. Additionally, the division manages the city’s historic preservation program and is supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and staff.
The division provides recommendations for revisions to the Future Land Use Plan, Master Street Plan, and historic preservation, zoning, and subdivision ordinances. It oversees applications for Land Use amendments, Master Street Plan amendments, and the issuances of Certificates of Appropriateness. The division provides primary staff support to the Historic District Commission and River Market Design Review Committee.
Planning Staff Historic Preservation, GIS, Land Use and Transportation Planning |
Hannah Ratzlaff Planning Manager (501) 371-4789 |
Open Position Urban Designer (501) 371-4789 |
Alice Anderson Planning Document Technician (501) 371-4813 |
Kevin Tarkington Planner (501) 371-4483 |
Mark Mahar GIS Programmer Analyst (501) 371-6828 |
Aaron 'Chris' McDaniel Graphics/GIS Technician (501) 371-4779 |
The Development Division reviews rezoning applications, subdivision plats, zoning interpretations, landscaping review, site plan reviews, sign and zoning enforcement. The Division provides the primary staff support for the Little Rock Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, and City Beautiful Commission. Information and questions about zoning whether actual classifications, allowable uses or reclassification are handled by personnel of this Division, that can be contacted at (501) 371-4844.
Zoning and Subdivision regulations are the principal tools employed by the City of Little Rock in guiding the city objectives and plans to specified goals. They assure compatibility of uses while directing the placement of infrastructure and public services. Platting, rezoning and site development ordinances in the processes involved with rezoning or developing land are administered by this Division. Additionally, use permits, variances and enforcement are dealt with daily. The Division also acts as a resource agency for developers, realtors and other citizens when presented with requests for current zoning, plat status, development standards or statistical information.
Staff has developed a short definition for each zoning district within the Zoning Code to help give an idea of what use each of the Zone Classifications allows.
Development Staff Administration; Landscape, Subdivision & Zoning Review |
Jeremy Gosdin Development Manager (501) 371-6819 |
Felicia Jefferson Administrative Technician (501) 371-4790 |
Monte Moore Development Administrator (501) 371-4792 |
Romie Price Plans Development Administrator (501) 371-6821 |
Debra Stafford Landscape Specialist (501) 918-5321 |
Open Position Development Specialist (501) 371-4565 |
Torrence Thrower Development Specialist (501) 371-4764 |
Zoning and Sign Enforcement |
Paul Fimpel Zoning & Enforcement Administrator (501) 371-4865 |
Zoning Information, Verification & Complaints (501) 371-4844 Fax:(501) 371-6863 lrzoning@littlerock.gov |
Kevin Douthard Code Enforcement Officer (501) 371-4845 |
Brooks Lilly Code Enforcement Officer (501) 371-6829 |
Bryan Smith Code Enforcement Officer (501) 371-4846 |
(One (1) open position) Code Enforcement Officer (501) 371-4411 |
Josiah 'Scott' McCalman Code Enforcement Officer (501) 371-4866 |
Courtney Everett Code Enforcement Officer (501) 371-4863 |
Victor Clonts Code Enforcement Officer (501) 371-4861 |
Building Codes
The Building Codes Division issue construction related permits and provides plan review and inspection services with regard to building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical construction in the City of Little Rock. The primary goal of the Division is to protect the public health and safety through the administration and enforcement of these codes. Within the Building Codes Division there are six (6) working sections: Building Inspections; Electrical Inspections; Permits; Plan Review; Mechanical Inspections; and Plumbing/Gas Inspections.
Construction application:
Information and Checklists:
Blast check list
Building Permit Fee Ordinance
Commercial Construction Information
Construction Codes for Little Rock
Demolition Permit check list
Documents Required to obtain a Building Permit
DOD Requirements and Procedures:
Central High
Final Inspection check list
Fire Alarm sequence of events generic check list
Fire Districts Map
Fire Job check list
Landscape Plan Requirements
Site Utility Plan Requirements
Tenant Space Checklist
Townhouse Construction Compliance
Building Codes Staff
Administration, Permitting and Commercial Plan Review | |
Charles 'Chuck' Givens Building Codes Manager (501) 371-4828 |
Terry Steele Permits Supervisor (501) 371-4449 |
Curtis Richey Plans Examiner (501) 371-4724 |
Permit Information, Portal Assistance (501) 371-4832 Fax: (501) 371-4546 Permits@littlerock.gov |
Tim Whitener Plans Examiner (501) 371-4875 |
Tracy Lucas Permit Technician (501) 371-4832 |
Leslie McGee Office Assistant II (501) 371-4805 |
Inspectors |
Daniel Herndon Building Inspection Supervisor (501) 371-4827 (Commercial) |
(One (1) open position) Building Property Maintenance Inspector (501) 371-4834 |
Russell Alvers Building Property Maintenance Inspector (501) 569-4187 |
James 'Derek' Deaton Building Property Maintenance Inspector (501) 371-4833 |
Michael Grayer Electrical Inspection Supervisor (501) 371-4837 |
Randy Castillo Electrical Inspector (501) 371-4838 |
Jonathan Winans Electrical Inspector (501) 371-4836 |
Larry Kyzer Mechanical Inspection Supervisor (501) 918-5282 |
Brett Christian Mechanical Inspector (501) 918-5292 |
Ronnie Campbell Plumbing & Gas Inspection Supervisor (501) 371-4840 |
Wayne Shaw Plumbing & Gas Inspector (501) 371-4842 |
Roger Havniear Plumbing & Gas Inspector (501) 371-4841 |
The Engineering Division is responsible for reviewing plans, inspecting construction, and enforcing City ordinances, standards, codes, manuals, regulations, and construction specifications for subdivisions, commercial, office, and industrial developments within the City of Little Rock. The Engineering Division also reviews, inspects, and enforces for retaining walls, driveways, sidewalk, streets, stormwater drainage, and stormwater detention infrastructure for private development projects. The Engineering Division also oversees management and enforcement of the City of Little Rock National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Management and Floodplain Administration Programs with coordination with the Public Works Department. Engineering Division staff also prepare summaries of review comments for the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment City boards. Engineering staff may represent the Planning and Development staff at Board and Commission meetings to provide information, answer questions, and review alternative proposals.
Engineering Staff
Design Review, Environmental Compliance Engineer and Engineering Specialists | |
Open Position Design Review Manager (501) 371-4817 |
Dylan Warner Environmental Compliance Engineer (501) 918-5348 |
Quin Baber Engineering Specialist (501) 399-3470 |
Joel Rodriguez Engineering Specialist (501) 371-4688 |
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