Youth Master Plan

Master Plan for Children, Youth, and Families

The City of Little Rock Department of Community Programs has hired Advocacy and Communications Solutions (ACS) to create a comprehensive Youth Master Plan that will serve as a sustainable Action Plan which will directly improve and enhance the overall quality of life for the children, youth, and families of Little Rock, Arkansas while building and strengthening the entire community.

ACS, along with their local partners, The Rockefeller Foundation and Philander Smith College’s Social Justice Institute, will design a plan to engage youth and their families as well as appropriate key stakeholders in evidence-based academic, social, and cultural opportunities that will empower youth to make the proper choices that will lead to success in life. 

The completed Youth Master Plan will be structured in a way to establish Department priorities, shape future programmatic decisions, and drive future partnership opportunities. Services and deliverables requested of the Consultant Team include (but are not limited to):

  • Develop a Youth Master Plan structure (Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Priorities)
  • Devise a Strategic Plan and action steps for achievement of the Strategic Plan
  • Identify applicable “Evidence-based Programming” and expected outcomes
  • Utilize Asset Mapping, Environmental Scan, and Community Engagement methods
  • Facilitate appropriate partnership opportunities and key stakeholder collaboration efforts
  • Provide recommendations for resource and budget allocation
  • Create a comprehensive data collection and “Indicators for Best Practices” framework
  • Formulate an evaluation method and reporting template to establish a baseline for future study

Background Information and Data:

Little Rock Youth Data

Youth Master Plan Appendix

Additional Youth Data: Poverty and Graduation Rates

City Program Presentation

Promising Practices for Children, Youth, and Families

Past Meeting Agendas and Summaries:
April 9, 2015 Meeting Agenda & Summary
June 2, 2015 Meeting Agenda & Summary
July 23, 2015 Meeting Agenda & Summary
August 20, 2015 Meeting Agenda & Summary
September 15, 2015 Meeting Agenda & Summary