Tax Registration Check List
Assess your business with Pulaski County
All businesses located in Pulaski County must pay Business Personal Propery taxes for any personal property used in the course of that business.
Apply for a sales tax permit with the State of Arkansas
Most, but not all business must obtain a sales tax permit. All retail-based and some service-based business must charge sales tax.
Obtain a Federal Employer ID number
The Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) is used to report federal withholding taxes and almost all business are required to obtain one. EINs can be obtained free of charge.
Register for State withholding taxes
After obtaining a Federal EIN, you should register for a State withholding report.
Advertising and Promotional Supplement Tax
Little Rock business that sell prepared foods are required to pay the A&P 2% Supplemental Tax (also known as the "hamburger tax"). Business the provide lodging are subject to a 4% A&P Supplemental Tax.