General Frequently Asked Questions for the City of Little Rock
Tickets and citations can be paid in person and by mail at the Municipal Courthouse, at 600 West Markham Street, Little Rock, AR, 72201, or online at
You can apply in person at 500 West Markham Street, Little Rock, AR, 72201, or online at City of Little Rock Employment website
You can file a complaint by contacting the Internal Affairs office located at 3805 West 12th Street, Little Rock, AR, 72201. (501) 918-4275.
The County Courthouse is located at 401 West Markham Street, Little Rock, AR, 72201. (501) 340-8305
The City/County jail is located at 3201 West Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, AR, 72201. (501) 340-7000.
You can call the Little Rock Police Department Crime Stoppers office at (501) 371-4636.
Reports can be obtained from the Records & Support Division. There may be minimal fees involved for obtaining reports. (501) 371-4654.
They may also be obtained here
Non-emergency reports can often be made over the phone by calling the Telephone Reporting Unit at (501) 918-4397.
The Little Rock Police Department Headquarters is located at 615 West Markham Street, Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 371-4605
The Downtown Division is located at 3917 West 12th Street, Little Rock, AR 72204 (501) 918-5130
The Southwest Division is located at 6401 Baseline Road, Little Rock, AR 72209 (501) 918-3900
The W.W. Williams Northwest Division is located at 10001 Kanis Road, Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 918-3500
The Pankey Station is located at 13700 Cantrell Road, Little Rock, AR 72223 (501) 379-1860
The Training Division is located at 10901 Arch Street, Little Rock AR 72206 (501) 918-4300
The Special Operations Division is located at 300 East Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, AR 72206
If you find you cannot pay your fine, there is the option to perform community service for the balance remaining on your FINE. To sign up for community service, come to our office during normal business hours. There is $25.00 community service fee that must be paid BEFORE you start community service. If you were given a civil penalty as part of your sentence, you MUST pay the fine to take advantage of the civil penalty. If you choose to perform community service, the civil penalty will be vacated. (NOTE: Court Cost MUST be paid and cannot be worked off in community service). If you cannot pay your fine and have a reason you cannot perform community service, you will need to be put on the docket to talk with the Judge.
If you have been ordered to attend classes (ex., anger management, domestic battery, and theft) and need information about when and where to attend, call (501) 371-4725.
Felonies and some misdemeanors are “pass to file” to circuit court due to district court only handling the setting of bonds for felonies and the adjudication of misdemeanors. When a case is “pass to file”, it is in process of being filed in circuit court by the prosecuting attorney’s office. It can take up to one (1)-year for the case to reach circuit court. Once the case has been filed, it will be assigned a new case number, division and Judge in Circuit Court.
A certified disposition is a document, certified by the court, that “breaks down” case(s) by showing the date of incident, case number, charge with the statute number and type (felony or misdemeanor), what happened with the case(s), when, and who represented as counsel (if available) on the case(s).
There is a $15.00 charge, per case.
If your driver’s license was suspended due to failing to appear in court, it can be reinstated only if your case has been resolved or the Judge has ordered it reinstated. After a driver’s license has been reinstated, there will be a reinstatement fee due to driver control.
If your driver’s license is suspended due to the issuing of a warrant for non-payment of fine/cost, you must pay the warrant "IN FULL" or have the warrant served to get a new court date to resolve your outstanding fine/cost. If you choose to pay off the warrant, a court clerk will reinstate your driver’s license, but you will still be responsible for paying the reinstatement fee to driver control. If you have the warrant served, you will need to request your driver’s license be reinstated on your court date; again, you will have to pay the reinstatement fee to driver control.
If your driver’s license has been suspended because you plead to or were found guilty of a drug offense; there is mandatory six (6)-month driver’s license suspension per Arkansas Code Ann. Sec. 5-64-1-1 et seq. (one year suspension if you possess a Commercial Driver’s License). If you were given a permit to drive, you must take the order to driver control to have the permit approved. After the suspension is over, you will need to pay your reinstatement fee to Driver Control.
In most cases, yes. These documents are available ONLY to the person to whom the sealed/expunged record belongs. State-issued identification will need to be presented in person to obtain these documents. If you are unable to come in person, call the Clerk’s Office at (501) 371-4739.
You can file a petition to seal with the court after the case has been fully disposed of and any waiting period that may apply to the charge have been met. After copies of the petition to seal have been delivered to the prosecuting attorney's office and police department in the jurisdiction of which the charge exists, a fifty dollar ($50.00) filing fee will be collected and the petition will be filed with the court. There is a waiting period of up to ninety (90) days before the petition is answered. There may be a different type of petition to seal for each charge, depending on how that particular charge was disposed of. Each set of charges requires a separate petition to seal and fifty dollar ($50.00) filing fee. Depending on the type of charge(s) and how it was resolved, there may be a waiting period before a petition to seal may be filed with the court and will not be accepted until the waiting period is over. You may call the court to find out if a waiting period applies to your particular charges. Petitions to seal are either granted or denied by the JUDGE. Access the petitions to seal here.
The Judge may deny the sealing of a case(s) due to, but not limited to, non-payment of fine/cost or not complying with court orders, such as completing probation or court ordered classes.
At one time the word "expunged" was used in Arkansas to seal or hide a conviction from the public view. Arkansas changed the terminology from “EXPUNGED” to “SEALED”. They essentially mean the same. As of January 1, 2014, the State of Arkansas removed the word "expunged" from the petitions and orders to seal. These cases are now referred to as "sealed".
No matter the status of a case, all records are available to the courts, law enforcement, and prosecuting attorneys for the purpose of determining punishment or sentencing recommendations and for enhancement of certain crimes.
That being stated, the Arkansas Attorney General released opinion #2003-057 stating some agencies have the right to obtain sealed/expunged records. To read the Attorney General’s full opinion, go to:
Court documents associated with Little Rock District Criminal Court are not accessible online. These documents may be obtained in person, by fax, or through the mail (fees may apply). Information that will be available is the ability to see the status of a case, make payments online and much more.
When appealing a case, it must be done within thirty (30) days of the sentencing date (including weekends). If you were represented by a Public Defender, you will need to contact them at (501) 371-6120. If you were represented by a private attorney, please contact your attorney. If you represented yourself (Pro Se), please call the court at (501) 371-4739 for more information.
There are three (3) types of bonds in Little Rock District Criminal Court; recognizance (aka “OR”) surety and cash. A surety bond requires the posting of 10% of the bond set by the court with a bonding company (bonding fees may apply). A cash bond is posted directly with the court and has to be in full unless a percentage has been authorized by the court. A Recognizance bond only requires the person to show up for their court date. Any of these types of bonds can be revoked under certain circumstances.
Official Background Checks are conducted by:
Arkansas State Police
#1 State Police Plaza
Little Rock, AR 72209
(501) 618- 8000
Public Defender’s Office
201 South Broadway Street, 2nd Floor
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 340-6120
The Judge CANNOT and WILL NOT discuss your case with you outside of court. You may contact your attorney or public defender, if one was appointed to you, to ask that your case be placed on the docket. You may also call (501) 371-4739 to speak with a clerk and discuss other options.
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Observed Holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Presidents Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Little Rock District Court (Criminal) has court Monday through Friday except for observed City holidays. The building opens to the public at 8:00 AM and the courtroom doors open at 8:30 AM.
Call the clerk’s office at (501) 371-4739 to discuss your options. (NOTE: There are some court dates that are mandatory and CANNOT be changed)
If you believe you may have a warrant, you can go to the Little Rock Police Department located at 700 West Markham Street in Little Rock to have the warrant served.
If your warrant is for failure to pay your fine, these warrants may be paid off in full and the warrant will be recalled. If the warrant cannot be paid in full, it will have to be served to get a court date.
Yes, in most cases you can. If the person for whom you are making a payment is on probation, they may have to check in with their probation officer. To find out, please call the probation office at (501) 371-4725. Having the person's case number(s) will speed up the procedure.
We accept cash, checks, cashier's check, money order, and credit/debit cards.
Payments can be accepted through the mail, in person, on online at
If you mail a payment, please provide your case number(s) or payment plan number associated with your case(s). Make check or money order payable to "City of Little Rock". DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL. If you choose to make a payment online and do not know your payment plan number, call the court at (501) 371-4739. All monthly payments are due on or before the last day of every month. To make a payment online follow the link above. (REMEMBER: THERE IS A $10.00 INSTALLMENT FEE ADDED TO YOUR UNPAID BALANCE EACH MONTH THAT IS NOT CREDITED TOWARD YOUR BALANCE.)
Mail payment to:
Little Rock District Court, Criminal Division
Attn: Criminal Court Clerk
600 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Fines, cost, restitution, and fees are due in full at the time of sentencing. However, if a time payment is granted by the Judge, a ten dollar ($10.00) judicial fee will be charged the 1st day of every month for as long as there is an outstanding balance. (NOTE: This fee will continue to accrue every month even if a warrant for failing to pay is issued.)
All scheduling requests for Mayor Frank Scott, Jr., are accepted online. Click here: Meet with the Mayor | City of Little Rock
Call the Operations Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 to activate a Work Request, or call 3-1-1 or visit the 311 website at
Call the Operations Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 or visit the 311 website. Public Works personnel can answer your questions, or provide you with the appropriate referrals.
Property owners are responsible for mowing and cleaning right-of-ways on property frontage. For questions on these regulations, please call Neighborhood Programs at (501) 371-4849. Public Works Operations is responsible for mowing and cleaning public right-of-ways. If you have questions or concerns, please call our Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 or call 3-1-1, or visit the 311 website at
Public Works Operations provides snow and ice removal for all City streets. State highway snow and ice removal are provided by the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department.
Call our Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 or call 3-1-1. Public Works Scheduling Staff will dispatch a crew to come out and remove the debris or trash. Also, residents can contact the Environmental Services Coordinator at (501) 399-3472 to schedule a Neighborhood Cleanup in affected areas. Little Rock residents can also become involved in the Adopt-A-Street program. Adopt-A-Street provides opportunities for civic involvement and fosters pride in our City. For more information on the Adopt-A-Street program, call (501) 371-4808.
Call our Traffic Engineering Division at (501) 379-1800. The Operations Division does not provide maintenance or repair for traffic signals. After normal operation hours, call Central Communications at (501) 371-4829.
Report any problems with traffic signs to the Operations Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 or visit the 311 website.
Please call the Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 or call 3-1-1, or visit the 311 website at to activate a work request.
Call the Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 or call 3-1-1, or visit the 311 website at to activate a work request.
Your recycling is picked up every other week, the same day as your garbage collection.
- Recycling pick-up will be in the same location your garbage is picked up. For example, if your trash is picked up in the alley, recycling will be picked up in the alley.
- Please allow for a minimum of three (3) feet between the trash cart and recycling cart.
- No, recyclables should go in the cart loose (not bagged).
- The exception is shredded paper, which should be placed in tied-off clear bags and then in the recycling cart.
- As a reminder, we will no longer be accepting plastic bags (i.e. grocery bags) in the new recycling program. Please return your plastic bags to Kroger, Walmart, or any participating plastic bag take back store.
- You may keep your old recycling bin for your personal use, or you may place it in the new sixty-four (64)-gallon cart to be recycled.
- Yes, if you find you no longer need the ninety-six (96)-gallon trash cart, you may trade it for a sixty (60)-gallon trash cart at no extra charge. Call 311 to arrange this service.
- To be entered into weekly drawings as a reward for recycling, register one time only at or call 501-340-8787.
Jon Honeywell, P.E. is Director of the Little Rock Public Works Department. He may be contacted at (501) 371-4475.
You can pay:
- In person at the Municipal Court Building , 600 West Markham Street, Little Rock.
- By mail, using the envelope provided, or mailing the ticket to:
Municipal Court Building
600 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
You may send a check, money order, or traveler's check. Please note the citation number on the check. Please do not send cash.
- On-line at
- Or, you may contest a parking ticket by appearing in Environmental Court any Wednesday at 1:30 PM.
Parking Enforcement's goal is to help ensure the efficient and safe movement of daily traffic in downtown Little Rock while balancing the competing demands for limited parking spaces between downtown employees, shoppers and visitors to our City. Parking Enforcement is tasked with enforcement of Chapter 32 of the Little Rock City Code.
Parking spaces for persons with disabilities have been located in the downtown area. These spaces have been designated with signs for visibility and convenience. Vehicles that are parked in a designated space must display the proper license plate or placard. Application for handicapped placards may be obtained at any office of the State Department of Revenue. Ask for Form 10336, which is the submitted to the requestor's physician who will determine the requestor's eligibility.
Nobody likes to get parking tickets, especially if we think we're obeying the signs, time limits, etc. Here are a few common violations that you may or may not know about.
- Manner of parking. A ticket may be issued for:
- Parking more than eighteen (18) inches away from the curb.
- Parking on the wrong side of the street facing traffic.
- Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited. A ticket may be issued for parking:
- On a sidewalk.
- Within five (5) feet of a driveway.
- Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant.
- In a crosswalk or within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk.
- Within twenty (20) feet of the entrance to a fire station.
- Within ten (10) feet of a mailbox.
- Obstructing traffic. A ticket may be issued to anyone parking in any manner that blocks the street leaving less than ten (10) feet of roadway available for motorists.
- Parking in alleys. Only commercial vehicles may park in an alley, and then only for loading and unloading. The commercial vehicle must be marked with permanent signage.
- Parking for certain purposes prohibited. A ticket may be issued for displaying your car for sale, or repairing or washing you car, on the street.
- Fire Lanes. You cannot park in a designated fire lane.
- Unattended motor vehicle. You cannot leave your vehicle unattended with the engine running.
- Loading Zones. Only commercial vehicles may use loading zones, and then only for loading or unloading.
- Parking meter spaces. A ticket may be issued if you park - in manner that occupies more than one (1) metered space, or if you park in a manner such that the vehicle protrudes beyond the markings designating the parking space.
- Meter time limits.
- A ticket may be issued for an expired meter.
- A ticket may be issued for parking in a metered space beyond the time limit designated on the meter; i.e. you may be ticketed if you remain at a one (1)-hour meter longer than one (1)-hour even if you have time remaining on the meter or deposit additional coins (a process commonly referred to as "meter feeding").
Overtime Parking at a Meter:
- $10.00, if paid within twenty-one (21) days.
- $50.00 after twenty-one (21) days.
Non-Meter Violations:
- $30.00 if paid within twenty-one (21) days.
- $45.00 after twenty-one (21) days.
Parking in a Handicap Zone With No Handicap Placard:
- $100.00
The following actions may occur:
- A warrant issued for your arrest.
- Your vehicle being immobilized.
- Suspension of your drivers license.
- Suspension of the vehicle tags.
- A combination of any or all of the above.
You may call Parking Enforcement at (501) 371-4528.
The Civil Engineering Division of Public Works is responsible for grading permits. Please call (501) 371-4461 or (501) 371-4817 for more information.
Possibly. However, certain guidelines must be met before development begins. Please call (501) 371-4461 or (501) 371-4817 for more information, or see the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) at
Civil Engineering keeps updated hardcopy floodplain maps from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Floodplain maps within Little Rock can be accessed on the web at Call our office at (501) 371-4461 or (501) 371-4817 for more information.
Public projects include any project that is paid for, at least in part, by the City of Little Rock and intended for public use. Private development includes projects that are funded by a commercial or residential developer and intended for public or private use.
Private development projects must meet certain floodplain and stormwater drainage regulations. There are also other City ordinances regarding rights-of-way, curb and gutter design, sidewalks, driveways, and pavement design that must be met in order to develop property within the City.
If the drainage problem requires routine cleaning or maintenance, call the Operations Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600 or visit our E-Service web site at to activate a work request.
Civil Engineering can give you information about the status of a public project. Please call (501) 371-4831 for more information.
Civil Engineering's Private Development section can provide you with information about the status of private projects. For more information, contact (501) 371-4831.
Permits are required for clearing land, and/or cutting down more than seven (7) trees in any one (1)-year. There are exemptions for zoning classifications of agriculture, forestry and mining. Exemptions are also made for certain residential properties, depending on lot size and the type of street the property abuts. Contact Civil Engineering at (501) 371-4831 for more information. No tree may be removed from the public right-of-way (area abutting streets) without a permit from Parks & Recreation. Contact the Urban Forester at (501) 374-8733.
Publicly funded projects have an information kiosk within the project's limits providing all appropriate contact names and numbers. If you still have concerns or questions, contact Civil Engineering at (501) 371-4831. Private development construction concerns should initially be referred to the private inspector on-site, but further concerns or questions regarding development permits or regulations may be directed to Civil Engineering's Private Development section at (501) 371-4831.
Civil Engineering coordinates design of publicly funded projects using in-house engineers and contracts with consultants. Questions about public project design should be directed to the Design Engineer at (501) 371-4822.
City-limit maps are continually updated by the Mapping and Graphics section. For current City limit information, please call Mapping and Graphics at (501) 371-4537.
The Adopt-A-Street Program was established in 1994 in an effort to enlist community involvement in keeping our streets and neighborhoods clean and beautiful. Once a street has been adopted, participating groups pick up litter and other trash at least six (6) times per year. Citizens, service organizations, businesses, churches, youth organizations and neighborhood groups qualify to adopt a City street. You can adopt anywhere from three (3) - seven (7) blocks or more! Call the coordinator at (501) 371-4808.
A number of City maps are available for reproduction cost. Contact (501) 371-4537 or (501) 371-4434 for details on available maps and price listings.
Yes. Depending on the particular area of the City, aerial photographs from 1978, 1988, 1990, and 1997 are available. Call (501) 371-4537.
Call the Mapping and Graphics section at 371-4808.
Please call (501) 371-4714 for speakers, informational brochures, displays, or public service announcements relating to Public Works.
Addresses for the City are assigned based on a grid referenced from the intersection of Markham and Main Streets. For more information, please contact the Address Coordinator at (501) 371-4808.
Public Works issues a variety of permits administered by the various divisions of the department. Please refer to the division for the following types of permits:
Civil Engineering: grading permits, floodplain development, land clearing (tree cutting)
Traffic Engineering: Traffic Control Plan (construction within the right-of-way), excavation in the right-of-way, parades, public assemblies and block parties, hauling, house moving, dumpsters temporarily in the street, curb cuts for driveways
If unsure whom to contact, call the Service Request Desk in Public Works Operations at (501) 918-3600.
For Ward meeting agendas, schedules, and locations, please call Civil Engineering at (501) 371-4657 or (501) 371-4714.
The Public Works Operations Division provides maintenance and repair on traffic signs. You may contact the Service Request Desk at (501) 918-3600(501) 918-3600, or visit the E-Service website.
Please call Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1800(501) 379-1800 to report problems with traffic signals. We will investigate the situation immediately.
Installation, maintenance and power for street lights is supplied by Entergy Corporation. Power outages or damages to street lights should be reported to Entergy at1-800-ENTERGY1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749
Traffic Engineering conducts periodic traffic counts on City streets. To request traffic count information, please call (501) 379-1800(501) 379-1800.
Traffic counts are conducted for intersection studies, traffic signal warrants analysis, traffic calming, street improvement projects, or when considering possible traffic speed limit changes.
Please call Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1800(501) 379-1800 to report trees, shrubbery, undergrowth, or structures impeding sight visibility at intersections. We will investigate and make necessary modifications.
The Traffic Control Center constantly monitors operation of traffic signals in the City of Little Rock. It is located at 621 South Broadway Street, Little Rock, AR 72201.
Requests for street lighting are investigated and reviewed by the Public Works Department Traffic Engineering Division. In order to light an entire neighborhood, a petition must be received from that neighborhood. Please call our office for more details at (501) 379-1800(501) 379-1800.
Traffic Engineers routinely conduct studies of City intersections to determine need for traffic signals. Often traffic volume increases with additions to or development of surrounding property. Certain standards must be met and funds available for installation of new traffic signals or stop signs. Please call Traffic Engineering at(501) 379-1800(501) 379-1800 with your questions about traffic control.
Operations is responsible for actual pavement striping functions; however, Traffic Engineering determines placement, location, and type of pavement striping.
Heavy rain or fog normally impairs the visibility of the painted pavement markings. Thermoplastic and tape markings are easier to see, even in inclement weather. Visibility problems unrelated to weather conditions should be reported by calling (501) 918-3600(501) 918-3600.
Please call Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1800(501) 379-1800 for concerns or information about traffic signal timing.
The Department of Community Programs provides quality programming that utilizes citizen involvement, evidence-based practices, and standardized processes with the goal of increasing positive outcomes and the quality of life for the children, youth, and families of Little Rock, Arkansas.
Community Programs does not provide direct services. We contract with local community non-profit entities such as community-based organizations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, etc. to provide services to Little Rock citizens. At the request of local citizens and organizations we can also provide opportunities for training and technical assistance to assist programs and projects with achieving success.
To see what program is near you and of interest to your children, visit our website’s Youth's Programs and/or Youth Intervention Programs page. Or for more information, please call (501) 399-3420 or you can send an email to
We can help you to find the appropriate help and assistance. We collaborate with a number of agencies and we can refer you to a substance abuse treatment provider. For more information, please call (501) 399-3420 or you can send an email to
We can help you to find the appropriate help and assistance. We collaborate with a number of agencies and we can refer you to a variety of services. For more information, please call (501) 399-3420 or you can send an email to
To learn if the Department is advertising any RFPs or RFQs at this time, please visit our Funding Opportunities page. Please note that this process is based on a citizen review panel and an official bidding process.
- Community Programs
- Little Rock Fire Department
- Housing and Neighborhood Programs
- Parks and Recreation
- Planning and Development
- Little Rock Police Department
- Public Works
- Little Rock Zoo
We work closely with the Departments to ensure that grants are administered and managed in accordance with the Federal and State guidelines. As a result, we perform the following tasks:
- Monitor grants quarterly on-site to ensure that expenditures are allowable and files are organized.
- Provide technical assistance and training to Department Grant Administrators.
- Assist in preparing Quarterly and Semi-Annual Financial Reports.
- Ensure submittal of Quarterly or Annual Performance Reports.
- Provide Monthly Financial Reports to Departments.
- Submit specific Monthly Reports to Departments regarding individual grants.
- Meet with Departments and discuss the status of projects and define strategies for completing projects in a timely manner.
- Prepare request for payment reimbursements and work with Departments to submit payments to funding agencies.
- Reconcile accounts and prepare journal vouchers.
- Record deposits for all projects.
- Ensure projects are completed on schedule or amendments are requested.
Funding for the various grants administered by the City are awarded based on successful completion of an application from the agencies identified below:
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- U.S. Department of Labor
- U.S. Department of Interior
- U.S. Department of Energy
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Arkansas Department of Health
- Arkansas Employment Security Division
- Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism
- Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department
- Arkansas Department of Heritage
- Arkansas Department of Forestry
There are no funds available for grant awards through the Grants Division. There are many different funding sources for grants throughout the United States.
No, the Grants Division does not award grants to individuals or organizations.
(501) 682-7104
(501) 661-2336
(501) 682-7059
(501) 682-3333
(501) 682-4500
(501) 372-4661
(501) 682-2171 or (501) 682-2309
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, closed from noon until 1:00 PM. Open on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 AM until noon; closed on holidays.
Vehicles are towed to the facility for various reasons. Each vehicle is directed to the Vehicle Storage Facility by the authority of the Little Rock Police Department.
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card. PERSONAL CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED.
A hold placed on a vehicle that is under investigation. This hold is placed on the vehicle by the Officer. Contact the Little Rock Police Department for further information.
We have twenty-four (24)-hour surveillance system and attendants on duty twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. We attempt to protect vehicles from weather conditions, if vehicle is not heavily damaged.
Provide a notarized statement from the owner and picture ID or driver's license authorizing named person to retrieve vehicle along with a description of vehicle (year, make, model and VIN) to be picked up. All other required documents must be provided before vehicle is released.
We direct the customer to the Little Rock Police Department to get a copy of the Stolen Vehicle Report, which will allow the customer to pay only the towing and administrative fees, if picked up within five (5) days of notification of vehicle being found.
A person attempting to retrieve a vehicle on behalf of an incarcerated vehicle owner must obtain a Statement of Incarcerated Person, sign the document and provide a description to be picked up, along with the person’s name, to retrieve the vehicle. All other vehicle ownership documents must be validated and fees paid prior to vehicle release.
You may call the tow company of your choice to pick up your vehicle after current information has been presented and vehicle has been paid for. Owner must sign a Release Authorization Form authorizing a third party to redeem the vehicle.
The City of Little Rock Human Resources Department has contracted with NeoGov, a leading vendor providing applicant tracking and recruiting services. Applicants will only have to create a “master profile” once, and the system provides the flexibility to edit and/or add information as necessary. Additionally, the system will allow for easy attachment of additional documents in various formats to the application.
No, you just need Internet access.
The email address is a necessary part of the application. It is used to send out a confirmation receipt when you submit an application and other notices during the application process. You may set up free accounts at web sites such as or
You could:
Visit our office at City of Little Rock Human Resources
Suite 130W, 500 West Markham
Little Rock, AR 72201
and use the public access computer in our Human Resources Department office (Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Visit any employment services office in your area (most have public access computers)
Visit your local library to use the public access computers
Use a friend's computer
You should submit only one application for a job opening. However, if you submit more than one application for a job opening we will consider the last application received from you. The system will not allow you to submit a second application for the same opening until 24 hours have passed. All documents must be submitted before the closing date.
Yes. The online application provides an opportunity to upload Word documents and pdf files OR copy and paste your resume into the application as a text document. Resumes and applications are only accepted for announced vacancies/openings.
You may browse through our Job Descriptions/Salary Ranges section and use the link on each job description to request notification (i.e., job interest card) when a job opens in an area of interest. Please note that only frequently advertised positions will provide job interest cards to applicants.
When you are reading a Job Announcement you may notice a tab at the top entitled “Supplemental Questions”. These are questions that you will encounter as you complete the application for that position. They are designed to obtain information from you about skills you have which are directly related to the job opening. They must be completed to be eligible for consideration. Please ensure that you complete these accurately and thoroughly to ensure your documents are reviewed adequately.
We are phasing out paper applications since the implementation of our new Internet-based recruitment system. If you still prefer to complete a paper application, contact our office at 501-371-4590 and we will assist you with this process. A new paper application has been developed. The City’s former paper application will no longer be used. Some positions will only accept on-line applications.
To be considered for a job, your online application must be submitted before Midnight on the closing date for the position. A position with a closing date of "Continuous" means that applications are continuously evaluated as they are received. Once a pool of “best qualified” candidates is identified, the interview process will begin. A continuous advertising process means that the position will close without notice. It is in your best interest to apply and complete all requirements for these positions as soon as possible.
If your on-line application has been successfully submitted you will receive a confirmation email immediately. You will also see the confirmation message on your computer screen. If your qualifications match our requirements, the hiring department will contact you if they wish to schedule you for a job interview. Depending upon the requirements of the job, examinations may include a written exam, practical exam (i.e. typing, equipment operation) and/or structured interview. If you list an email address, notices will be sent to that address which should increase notification speed.
Remember, plant the right tree for the right place. Call Arkansas One Call at (800) 482-8998 to identify utilities in the area. Do NOT plant directly over or within five (5) lateral feet of underground utilities. Look up, and if there are utility lines overhead, pick a tree species that reaches maturity at a height of less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Trees should be planted no closer than fifteen (15) feet from fire hydrants.
Just remember to be sure to plant trees (including crepe myrtles) five (5) feet or more away from water meters.
Contact the Mayor's Office at (501) 371-4510 or submit an online request form via this link: Meet with the Mayor | City of Little Rock. Please provide a full description of the individual or event to be honored or recognized with background material as appropriate for the occasion.
The hours of operation are Monday thru Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.
The property room is located at 500 W. Markham St. directly below the municipal court building.
You can contact the property room at 371-4643.
You will need a government issued form of identification. Incident number and/or tag number is also helpful.
Any property stored will be disposed of after 60 days. A notice will be sent prior to the disposal to the address provided to the storing officer at the time of storage.
In most cases, an officer or detective will notify an owner of recovered stolen property. However, you may contact the property room with your serial number(s) so a property technician can check if the item(s) have been stored.
In order to retrieve your stored firearm, you must provide a government issued form of identification, complete a LRPD “Request for the Return of Seized Firearm” form, pass a background check and show proof of ownership of the firearm.
If your property is stored as evidence, it may not be released without the prior authorization of the storing officer/detective or Court Order.
In most cases, you can retrieve your property after 2-3 business days. You can always contact the property room prior to responding to verify your property has been transferred to the main property room.
If you are not listed as the owner of the property on the LRPD Incident Report, you must provide a notarized letter from the listed owner authorizing the release of the property to you.
If you are requesting someone other than yourself retrieve your property from LRPD custody, your designee must provide a notarized letter authorizing the release of property.
Little Rock District Court Criminal Division records its sessions anytime court is held. You can obtain an "audio" transcript from the clerk's office during normal business. The cost is $15.00 and the court will need a 24-48 hour notice. The court does not transcribe to paper, a third party may be needed to transcribe, which is the responsibility of the person(s) obtaining the transcript.
- Visit LRProcure, our online bidding system at
- Fill in/upload the requested information and documentation. Your application will be reviewed promptly by the Purchasing department.
- A current signed and dated w9 form.
- A copy of a Little Rock business license.
- A certificate of liability insurance or a certificate of non-coverage.
- Visit LRProcure
- Click on Forgot your login Name or password?
The contact email provided in your LRProcure profile will be alerted when an event has been awarded. If you responded to an event, you will receive an award alert email regardless of whether or not you won the bid.
Submissions may be accepted through LRProcure, in-person at 500 W. Markham Suite 300, Little Rock, AR 72201 before the posted bid closing date and time.
You can submit your questions online through LRProcure or email
Submit your invoice to the specified department contact or bill payer. The City operates on a net 30 cycle.
- Log-in to LRProcure.
- View the event.
- View the tabulation. (This will appear after the bid opportunity is awarded).
A bid bond is required on specified formal bids. If a bid bond is specified as required on an event and is not provided, the supplier will be disqualified.
Parks and Recreation allows placement of memorial benches in the park of your choice, staff will assist you in finding an appropriate and approved location, an $3,000 dollar donation to Parks and Recreation covers the cost of a standard metal six foot long bench including mounted on a concrete slab and an approximate 2 inch by 10 inch plaque on the bench.