City Master Plans
Master Street Plan (2018)
The Master Street Plan (interactive map here) serves as a comprehensive, long-term guide for the development, improvement, and maintenance of the street network within the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. The plan, which includes both text and maps, outlines the general locations, characteristics, and functions of streets. It plans and manages existing and potential transportation infrastructure, addressing current and future needs while considering factors like growth, safety, and network sustainability. Development standards for specific street sections can be modified through the amendment of the Master Street Plan.
Future Land Use Plan
The Future Land Use Plan is a strategic document that provides a guiding vision for how land within the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction should be developed, used, and conserved over time for coordinated and harmonious development. The plan provides a vision for future use and guides decisions on zoning, infrastructure, and development to ensure that land is used efficiently and in alignment with community goals. The Future Land Use Plan Map is accompanied by the Future Land Use Narrative and Future Land Use Categories . The Future Land Use Plan has been modified over time through amendments. In most cases, developing or rezoning a property for a use that is not consistent with what is shown on the Future Land Use Map would require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map.
Downtown Master Plan (2024)
The Little Rock Downtown Master Plan provides a roadmap to guide the growth and development of the city’s urban core over the next two decades. The plan outlines frameworks for public open space, mobility, economic development, urban design, and culture.
Historic Preservation Plan (2009)
The Little Rock Citywide Historic Preservation Plan outlines goals and actions to preserve, maintain and enhance the city’s large stock of historically and culturally significant buildings and sites. The plan provides recommendations for increasing identification of historic resources, expanding the range of incentives to property owners, increasing the effectiveness of partner organizations and agencies, and enhancing community education and outreach.