Booker Street Sharrows

If bike lanes are added to 7th St., they would add an important connection between downtown and Stifft Station, but would not themselves connect to Hillcrest and the Heights.  Installing sharrows on S. Booker St. would guide bicyclists from western terminus of the 7th St. bike lanes to the bike corridor on Kavanaugh leading to Hillcrest and the Heights (Fig. 1).

Sharrows do not provide the minimum level of traffic separation we require of the core Midline; this would be a spur connection.  The crossing at Markham and Booker is poorly designed for a bicyclist, but can be done by dismounting when crossing Markham and Booker.  These sharrows would primarily provide a wayfinding benefit (Fig. 2)

Figure 1.  The nominal cost of creating sharrows on five blocks of Booker will help cyclists navigate from 7th St. to Hillcrest and the Heights.

Figure 2.  Booker is a quiet, residential street.  The sharrows would primarily be for wayfinding.