State, City Officials Encourage Residents to Change a Light, Change the World

Seal of Little Rock
Wednesday, Oct 03, 2007

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

James Thompson 501-377-3545 (office)

Secretary of State, Mayor of Little Rock Support Efforts to Switch to Energy-efficient Light Bulbs.

Little Rock, Ark. – State and city officials are joining Entergy Arkansas’ efforts to improve the environment and reduce energy costs by switching to energy-efficient light bulbs during October.

In a ceremony today at the State Capitol, Secretary of State Charlie Daniels and Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola encouraged all Arkansans to take part in the Change a Light, Change the World campaign.

“I’m proud of the measures we’ve already taken to be more energy efficient in the State Capitol,” said Secretary Daniels. “Later this month, we will be replacing the standard incandescent bulbs in our rotunda chandelier with high efficiency LED bulbs. Entergy conservation benefits both the environment and our pocketbooks, and I will continue to utilize all available energy-efficient options in the State Capitol.”

Secretary Daniels says that 85 percent of the bulbs at the State Capitol have already been changed.

Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola says bulbs are being changed at City Hall to be energy-efficient.

“I am proud to say that the City of Little Rock takes this initiative very seriously,” he said. “We have changed the light bulbs at City Hall to be energy-efficient. As we replace bulbs at all city facilities, they will be replaced by energy-efficient bulbs. I am also encouraging all city employees to change at least one bulb in their house this month and to replace all bulbs with energy efficient bulbs as they burn out. Each bulb saves approximately $30 over the life of the bulb. With a minimum of 25 bulbs in a two-bedroom, two-bath house, that is $750. With over 2,000 city employee households, that would b a $1.5 million in savings. Not only does it make sense environmentally, it makes sense financially.”

Entergy’s Change a Light, Change the World initiative supports a nationwide effort by the federal Energy Star program aimed at raising environmental awareness via the promotion of energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. The program parallels the company’s ongoing efforts to help customers manage energy costs more effectively and adopt more responsible environmental practices.

“High energy costs and harmful environmental practices affect all of us,” said James Jones, Entergy Arkansas regional Customer Service Manager. “That is why Entergy is working hard to generate power more efficiently and to help customers learn how to better manage energy use.

“Most people don’t realize that the average home pollutes more than the average car,” he said. “Taking the Change a Light pledge is an important first step toward helping conserve our nation’s energy resources and reducing energy costs. This is a win-win situation for customers and for the environment.”

The Change a Light campaign educates customers on the benefits of energy-efficient lighting and points to an easy-to-use Web site – - where customers can make the Change a Light pledge.

“Changing a single light bulb may hardly seem like a significant environmentally conscious action, but the results can be quite impressive if we all do our part,” said Jones.

“Our goal is to help our customers realize how they truly can help change the world by taking this pledge and developing their own plan for conserving resources and protecting the environment.”

The benefits of a collective effort are convincing. For example, changing 100,000 bulbs can save up to 46 million kWh of electricity over the life of the bulbs – enough to power 21,000 homes for one year. At the same time, it can reduce carbon dioxide emissions comparable to removing 2,571 cars from the roadways and create the same effect as planting 3,656 acres of trees.

In addition, using energy-efficient light bulbs is an excellent way for Entergy customers to manage energy costs more effectively and save money. Every light changed to an Energy Star qualified bulb uses a third of the energy of a standard incandescent light, lasts up to 10 times longer, and saves an average of $30 or more in energy costs over its lifetime.

Entergy Arkansas provides electricity to 680,000 customers in 63 counties. Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, and it is the second –largest nuclear generator in the United States. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.7 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of over $10 billion and approximately 14,000 employees.


More energy-conserving ideas can be found at