Monday, Mar 31, 2014
Media Release
City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801
Ben Thielemier | (o) 501 371 4421 | (c) 501 804 4822
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – 12th Street area residents are invited to make their voices heard at the next Jump Start 12th Street visioning workshop, Monday, March 31. Residents who are invested in the outcome of this neighborhood in the next five, ten or twenty years should attend this Jump Start visioning workshop.
The City of Little Rock recently received a $200,000 grant from Imagine Central Arkansas Partners (ICAP) to help continue revitalization on 12th Street. In October, ICAP selected five neighborhoods to receive planning assistance to focus on implementing a vision for their communities. Each site was awarded federally funded individual consultant-led planning assistance to build specific development concept plans that include market analyses, form-based development codes, guidance on infrastructure investments, feasibility analysis and implementation process.
WHO: City of Little Rock leaders, Residents of the 12th Street area and Consultants from Imagine Central Arkansas Partners
WHAT: Jump Start 12th Street community visioning workshop to create a plan of action for the future of the 12th Street area
WHERE: Willie Hinton Neighborhood Resource Center, 3805 West 12th Street
WHEN: Monday, March 31, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.