NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS - Parks and Recreation

Seal of Little Rock
Tuesday, Sep 08, 2009

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Little Rock Parks and Recreation 371-4770

WHAT: Notice is hereby given that Little Rock Parks & Recreation will host a series of public meetings for the purpose of seeking community input regarding proposed neighborhood parks improvements to be made from bond fund refinancing. These improvements will include at least on park from each of the seven wards.

WHO: City of Little Rock Parks and Recreation
            All citizens

WHERE & WHEN: See below

Public meetings are scheduled as follows:

Ward 1 Mon., Sept 21, 2009 Dunbar Community Center
1001 W. 16th Street

Ward 2 Thur., Oct. 15, 2009 Willie Hinton Resource Center
3805 W. 12th Street

Ward 3 Wed, Sept. 23, 2009 Holy Souls Church, Allen Center
1003 N. Tyler

Ward 4 Thur., Oct. 8, 2009 Second Presbyterian Church
600 Pleasant Valley Dr., 2nd Hall

Ward 5 Mon., Sept. 28, 2009 Thompson Library
38 Rahling Circle

Ward 6 Mon., Oct. 5, 2009 Adult Leisure Center
6401 W. 12th Street

Ward 7 Mon., Oct. 12, 2009 Southwest Community Center
6401 Baseline Rd., Ste., A

All meetings are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., or until, ALL comments have been heard.

We encourage all citizens to participate in this process. For more information please contact Little Rock Parks and Recreation 371-4770.