Thursday, May 07, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Media Release
City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801
Frederick Gentry 371-6801
(Little Rock -- Thursday, May 7, 2009) – Little Rock City Director Ken Richardson announced today that a meeting will be held on Monday, May 11 to update the public on the status of the 12th Street Corridor project.
“We are at the halfway point of the planning process. I thought that was a good time to visit with the public about the progress of various components of the 12th Street corridor revitalization efforts,” said Director Richardson.
For the past several months, Crafton Tull Sparks Associates has been working with a steering committee, neighbors, and City departments to create a vision for revitalizing the 12th Street Corridor. One component of the meeting will be an update from the consultants on their work.
“I appreciate all of the hard work that the steering committee and consultants have already put in to this project. I am glad that the public will get a chance to learn about the work that has been done,” said Director Richardson. “Many other exciting developments are also underway in the 12th Street Corridor. These lend support to the efforts that are underway by the consultants and steering committee members.”
According to Director Richardson, there will be status reports on many of these projects at Monday’s meeting. “The new police substation, Central Arkansas Library branch, and empowerment center are all key components of this revitalization. This will be an opportunity for the public to be updated on these projects.”
Other agenda items include updates on various grants that are being pursued to support revitalization efforts. “Infrastructure is certainly important,” noted Director Richardson. “But we must also look at the revitalization of human capital if 12th Street is to be truly revitalized.”
The community meeting will take place at the Willie L. Hinton Neighborhood Resource Center on May 11, at 6:00 pm. The Hinton Center is located at 3805 West 12th Street (the corner of 12th and Pine Streets).
“We are at the halfway point of the planning process. I thought that was a good time to visit with the public about the progress of various components of the 12th Street corridor revitalization efforts,” said Director Richardson.
For the past several months, Crafton Tull Sparks Associates has been working with a steering committee, neighbors, and City departments to create a vision for revitalizing the 12th Street Corridor. One component of the meeting will be an update from the consultants on their work.
“I appreciate all of the hard work that the steering committee and consultants have already put in to this project. I am glad that the public will get a chance to learn about the work that has been done,” said Director Richardson. “Many other exciting developments are also underway in the 12th Street Corridor. These lend support to the efforts that are underway by the consultants and steering committee members.”
According to Director Richardson, there will be status reports on many of these projects at Monday’s meeting. “The new police substation, Central Arkansas Library branch, and empowerment center are all key components of this revitalization. This will be an opportunity for the public to be updated on these projects.”
Other agenda items include updates on various grants that are being pursued to support revitalization efforts. “Infrastructure is certainly important,” noted Director Richardson. “But we must also look at the revitalization of human capital if 12th Street is to be truly revitalized.”
The community meeting will take place at the Willie L. Hinton Neighborhood Resource Center on May 11, at 6:00 pm. The Hinton Center is located at 3805 West 12th Street (the corner of 12th and Pine Streets).