Seal of Little Rock
Friday, Jul 11, 2008

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Scott Carter 501-371-4421

Two Day Program Will Help Emerging Leaders Learn About Business of Arts and Culture

(July 11, 2008) Emerging leaders in Little Rock who wish to learn more about the business of arts and culture will now have the opportunity to do so. The Little Rock Arts & Culture Commission (ACC) announces the creation of áccent which will have its third session on October 3 and 4, 2008.

“áccent is program specifically designed for emerging leaders in Little Rock. It focuses upon the opportunities and challenges facing cultural organizations in the economic, political, and artistic realities of today,” according to accent volunteer Justin Bank. “Little Rock has so much to offer in the arts, museums, music, and history. In order for this to continue, it is important to understand the business of arts and culture,” Bank continued. “The Commission felt áccent was a way to ensure that the next generations of community leaders were given the tools to make informed decisions.”

áccent consists of a seminar over a Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, with optional-but encouraged attendance at a cultural event on Friday evening. A class of twenty-five (25) will be selected from a pool of qualified candidates. Speakers will include civic and community leaders, educators, members of the Little Rock Arts & Culture Commission, and visiting artists. Among the areas to be covered in áccent:

? An overview of Little Rock’s cultural landscape
? Working in the arts and culture
? Service on a cultural organization board
? Government support of arts and culture
? Marketing and resource development.

There is no cost to participate in áccent, but class size is limited. According to Polk, “We anticipate this will be an annual program. Though not everyone will get to participate in this year’s program, they should have the opportunity in the future.”

Applications for áccent are available from the Arts & Culture Commission. To obtain one, call Susan Langley at 501-371-4510 or email The deadline to apply is August 29.
