Little Rock Mayor Welcomes New Clean Indoor Air Law

Seal of Little Rock
Friday, Jul 21, 2006

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Scott Whiteley Carter 501-371-4421

(Little Rock, AR – July 21, 2006) Little Rock Mayor Jim Dailey noted that today was the first day of the new statewide workplace smoking ban. “I am pleased that the new law is in place. As most people are aware, I have been in favor of this ban for several years. In 2005, I appointed a taskforce to examine the possibility of Little Rock going smoke free.”

“With the Governor’s efforts at the state level,” Mayor Dailey continued, “it was no longer necessary to pursue that initiative. I applaud Governor Huckabee and his staff for their leadership on this issue. I also express my appreciation to the members of the Arkansas General Assembly for doing the right thing in enacting this ban.”

“I believe this Clean Indoor Air initiative is the right thing for Arkansas. It is the right thing from a health standpoint—there are numerous studies that point out the dangers of second-hand smoke. I think it will also be the right thing from an economic standpoint. We have seen from examples worldwide these bans have not caused the catastrophic economic downturns predicted by doomsayers.”

“Though I am out of state today, I look forward to my return to Arkansas and breathing cleaner indoor air.”
