Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016
City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801
Melinda Glasgow, Sustainability coordinator | mglasgow@littlerock.gov
2016 brings a fresh start and that includes a fresh start for recycling! We want recycling to be as convenient as possible for you, and we know that the less guessing you have to do on what can be recycled, the easier it is!
With that in mind, did you know that you can recycle food and beverage cartons in Little Rock? (Check out the full list of accepted recyclables here). These are containers typically used to hold orange juice, milk, broth and more. There are refrigerated and non-refrigerated types – check out the image to know exactly how they look.
Recycling is an easy way to help our city and be green. When cartons are recycled, they are remade into new products like paper towels, tissues, writing paper – and even green building materials!
It’s super easy to do –just toss your empty food and beverage cartons into your recycling container for collection. No flattening required. That’s it!
Check out the many reasons you should recycle your cartons at LittleRockRecyclesCartons.com.
Recycle your cartons, Little Rock!