Earned Income Tax Credit Coalition Event Announces Super Saturday Tax Help Day

Seal of Little Rock
Monday, Jan 27, 2014

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

Ben Thielemier | (o) 501 371 4421 | (c) 501 804 4822

LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS – It’s tax time again, and thousands of Little Rock residents could qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), designed to help low to moderate income families. EITC-eligible families also qualify for free tax prep help. 

This year, those with incomes of $51,500 or less from wages, self-employment or farming might qualify for the EITC and save up to $6,000. Many may qualify for the first time due to economic changes, marital or parental status changes or other factors.

It’s estimated that four out of five eligible workers currently claim their EITC.

“We want Little Rock residents to know that they may be eligible to take the EITC when they file their taxes this year,” said Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola. “This tax credit is a big financial boost to many low and moderate income families, and we want to help get the word out so as many eligible people as possible take advantage of the benefit.”

In addition to the City of Little Rock, the EITC Coalition includes Entergy Arkansas, the Central Arkansas Development Council, the Internal Revenue Service as well as the Arkansas Workforce Center which has organized Super Saturday, a day of free tax prep help. 

“Super Saturday is a truly super day, with dozens of IRS-certified volunteers available to help participants complete and file their tax return,” said W. J. Monagle, executive director of the Little Rock Workforce Investment Board. “Super Saturday is a great time to take advantage of this free tax help.”

Super Saturday will be February 1, 2014. The event will take place from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Arkansas Workforce Center located at 5401 S. University Avenue. While reservations are not required, those wishing to secure a time may call 501-682-7719 or 501-682-0228 (back up number). 

Free tax help to those who qualify will also be available at locations throughout Little Rock and the state until Tax Day on April 15. Visit www.eitclocations.com to find a listing of locations.

“Almost $2.5 billion in EITC refunds went unclaimed in Entergy service area states in 2011 tax claims,” said Tom Kennedy, vice president of public affairs with Entergy Arkansas, Inc. “To reduce that number, Entergy Arkansas places EITC informational inserts in our billing statements to remind customers about the tax credit they have earned.”

To help preparers, either volunteer or paid, accurately determine EITC eligibility and prepare returns, individuals should bring the following items and both spouses must be present to sign joint returns:

  • Photo proof of identification
  • Social Security cards for themselves, their spouse and all dependents or Social Security number verification letters issued by the Social Security Administration
  • Birth dates for all persons listed on the tax return
  • Wage and earning statement(s) Forms W-2, W-2G, and 1099-R, from all employers
  • Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099)
  • Copies of their prior year federal and state returns, if available
  • Bank routing and account numbers for direct deposit of their refunds Other relevant information about income and expenses
  • Amounts paid for day care, if applicable, and the day care provider's identifying number. 
