Thursday, Mar 27, 2025
Media Release
City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801
LITTLE ROCK – Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. today announced the launch of the the City of Little Rock's new Love Your Block program, an initiative that will provide mini-grants of up to $2,000 to fund resident-led revitalization projects.
The Love Your Block program is designed to support residents in economically vulnerable neighborhoods as they work to make positive change. Grant funding could be used to transform vacant lots into community gardens, clean up public spaces, repair playground equipment and more.
"When residents take the lead in shaping their neighborhoods, we create a stronger, more connected Little Rock," Mayor Scott said. "This opens the door to innovation and partnerships that promote significant, positive impacts across the City."
Love Your Block will focus on areas of the City that have struggled with financial insecurity, giving residents the opportunity to design, implement, and lead projects that directly benefit their communities.
In addition to physical improvements, Love Your Block also strengthens social cohesion and fosters civic participation. A 2021 study by the Urban Institute found that the program helps build trust between residents and local government, while creating lasting community bonds.
The Love Your Block program is funded by support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, and it builds on the legacy of Cities of Service, an initiative launched by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in 2009. The program has successfully engaged residents in cities across the U.S. in public problem-solving and community revitalization efforts, with over 50 cities participating to date.
Little Rock residents will be able to apply for funding to implement their own ideas for neighborhood improvement. Whether it's cleaning up public spaces, enhancing local parks, or organizing community engagement events, Love Your Block is a powerful tool for creating lasting change.
Visit the City's Love Your Block website for more details and to apply for Love Your Block funding. The application deadline is April 11.