Civil Engineering Division
Civil Engineering oversees design and construction of the City's infrastructure as well as providing information to the public and other city departments. Infrastructure includes streets, stormwater drainage facilities, and other capital improvements. Civil Engineering is divided into three (3) sections: 1) public projects; 2) private development; and 3) special programs.
Civil Engineering offices are in the Public Works administration building located at 701 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72201. Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Public Projects Section
Public projects include streets, drainage, and other public facilities (exclusive of buildings) paid for by the City of Little Rock or other public funds and intended for public use. Private consultants or in-house personnel design publicly funded projects within the City. In addition to project design, this team is also responsible for land and right-of-way acquisition and bidding projects for construction. The staff land surveyor can sometimes assist with questions or concerns about right-of-way widths and locations.
Another team is responsible for administering the construction contracts and insuring the project is constructed as designed and in a timely manner.
North Rodney Parham
Road Reconstruction Project
This piece of grinding equipment extracts the pavement down to the base loading 15 cubic yards of material into the dump truck within about 3 minutes.
Franchise permits are issued for private use of public property such as outdoor dining on sidewalks and installing sprinklers or landscaping in the public right-of-way. Other work and uses within the public right-of-way is permitted through Traffic Engineering including utility and street work. associated with new development. A traffic control or barricade plan is required for this type of work.
For more details regarding the City of Little Rock's project designs and plans, please follow this link to the City of Little Rock Plan Development and Project Design Guidelines 2018. For Civil Engineering applications, details and manuals, please follow this link: Applications, Details and Manuals.
Approximately $170 million dollars has been allocated to Public Works since 2012 for capital improvements of streets, drainage, traffic signals, street resurfacing, sidewalks, and trails. For more details on current and recent capital improvement projects for streets and drainage, refer to the links shown below.
Sales Tax and Bond Projects by Wards 2013 - 2015
Sales Tax Projects by Wards 2016 - 2018
Sales Tax and Bond Projects by Wards 2019 - 2021
Bond Projects by Wards 2023 - 2025
Interactive Projects Map 2023 - 2025

Bond Project Status - Design Phase (Utility Coordination)
The Civil Engineering Division keeps a file of citizen requests for future projects. To have your project considered for future funding, fill out the online Infrastructure Project Request form. Please be aware funding allocations are seldom sufficient to fulfill all requests and that future capital improvement programs are subject to approval by the Little Rock Board of Directors.
Infrastructure Request Form for new Capital Projects (Online request form)
Infrastructure Request Form for new Capital Projects (Printable Fillable PDF version)
Stormwater Management
The City of Little Rock’s Stormwater Management Program is a comprehensive program consisting of various program elements and activities designed to reduce pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) and eliminate prohibited non-stormwater discharges through a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) municipal stormwater discharge permit.
Stormwater management refers to the development of programs and policies that preserve, enhance, or control the quality of stormwater runoff, reduce erosion, and prevent flooding. Our mission is to educate the public, and businesses (construction and other industries) on storm water pollution prevention related issues and permitting requirements respective to protecting our creeks, rivers, and lakes to improve our lifestyle, natural environment, and water resource use.
Drain Smart - engaging public-education
Art that communicates the function and importance of local storm drains
In addition, the Program includes enforcement inspections to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and local storm water regulations as well as water sampling to detect and correct water pollution in Little Rocks’ creeks, rivers, and lakes.
Citizens may report illegal stormwater discharges and improper disposal through the City of Little Rock's non-emergency number (3-1-1). Potential impacts on water quality are referred to and investigated by Civil Engineering.
The following helpful links are provided for more information on stormwater management:
Stormwater Web Mapping Application
Laws & Regulations regarding the - EPA’s Clean Water Act
NPDES permit requirements - Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
Information for proper disposal of household hazardous waste and motor vehicle fluid
Regional Recycling & Waste Reduction District (RRWRD)
AHTD's stormwater management program - Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD)
Links to Little Rock’s stormwater management brochures:
Commercial construction --- Residential construction --- Household hazardous waste
Floodplain Management
The Civil Engineering Division administers oversight for the floodplain regulations and issuance of development permits for excavation and construction on floodplain properties
for the Citizens of the City of Little Rock. The Division also provides information on the City of Little Rock special flood hazard area (SFHA) and basic flood insurance information such as base flood elevations, floodways, historical flooding, and known flooding depths.
The City of Little Rock “Flooding Awareness” brochure and the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) found at are additional sources of floodplain service information. Property owners can also access Little Rock digital floodplain maps and FEMA flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs) at LR_Flood_Zone_Viewer . For questions and additional information about floodplain regulations and development in the City of Little Rock, you may contact the City of Little Rock Floodplain Manager at (501) 371-4823.
Special Programs Section
The Special Programs Section of Public Works is primarily responsible for providing information to citizens, other divisions of Public Works, and other City Departments. Special Programs includes Mapping & Graphics, Geographic Information Services, and Public Information.
Address Assignment & Mapping
Mapping & Graphics maintains up-to-date maps of the City of Little Rock. These maps include, but are not limited to, information on City limits, the City street system, subdivision properties, annexation, and capital improvement projects.
The Street Index Book is useful for locating any City street within Little Rock and is revised annually.
Our Addressing Specialist has the responsibility for street address assignments as well as approving new street names. Addresses are assigned to new buildings based on a grid, referenced from the intersection of Markham and Main Streets in downtown Little Rock. Both correct address assignment and review of new street names are crucial for accurate dispatching of 911 services.
Utilizing our robust set of web mapping applications is the most efficient way of accessing mapping data along with various digital Adobe PDF versions of certain map products.
The Public Works Department administers the Adopt-A-Street Program in partnership with Keep Little Rock Beautiful (KLRB). Adopt-A-Street is a program in which neighborhoods, businesses, or individuals can "adopt" a street and pledge to keep streets clean by picking up litter along their adopted street at least four (4) times a year.
The Adopt-A-Street Program has many available streets for adoption and provides a valuable service for our community, affording a great opportunity for citizen and group involvement. This type of opportunity promotes a sense of civic pride as you become an active participant in the effort to make Little Rock a beautiful city we can all enjoy. You can find more information about joining the Adopt-A-Street Program here.
Geographic Information Services (GIS)
GIS provides geographical representation of data in the City of Little Rock with a computer mapping system. GIS uses a graphical database representing most features that can be seen in aerial photography. This is used with other records and databases containing information about such things as the City's demographics, locations of various buildings, Police and Fire districts, and infrastructure for mapping and analysis related to needs of the City of Little Rock.
Much of this information is now easily accessible through Online Web Based Applications from the following link to the main page. Applications such as these bring a great deal of information straight to the Citizens of Little Rock in an interactive format which if fairly simple to navigate.
GIS has proven to be a useful management tool and allows Public Works to easily produce a large quantity of specialized information about the City of Little Rock. Public Works is a founding member of PAGIS, the Pulaski Area Geographic Information System, a countywide consortium with mutual interests in operation of a GIS.
PAGIS has many useful online interactive mapping applications on their website.
Some of these are Land Ownership, Water and Waste Water Utilities, Flood Mapping, Parks and Trail Systems, and the Storm Water System Application.
Public Information
Special Programs coordinates public information programs for the Public Works Department. Information about Public Works services is disseminated to citizens and community groups facilitating a better understanding of Public Works, and encouraging citizens to use the wealth of resources the Department has to offer. Brochures and informational packets, both in printed form and online, are a few of the tools used for customer relations and public information.
Historical Information
Our Historical City
Original City Historical Firsts Illustrated
For More Information
David Hopkins, P.E., Manager
Civil Engineering Division
701 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Office: (501) 371-4811
For General Public Works Service Requests
Public Works Service Requests and other general information, please call the City's non-emergency number 3-1-1. You may also access 311 through the Citizen Portal directly online.
Contact Numbers
Civil Engineering/Division Manager 701 West Markham Street 72201 |
(501) 371-4811 |
Address Verification & City Limits | (501) 371-4537 |
Adopt-A-Street | (501) 371-4714 |
Floodplain/Stormwater Management | (501) 371-4817 |
Public Improvement Projects | (501) 371-4820 |
Special Programs | (501) 371-4714 |