Calendar of Events in Little Rock

Public hearing held monthly by the Historic District Commission. The Commission meets to consider request(s) for Certificate of Appropriateness within Local Ordinance District(s). Certificates of Ap…

Public hearing held monthly by the Little Rock Planning Commission. The Commission considers requests for Rezonings, Subdivision Plats, Conditional and Special Use Permits, Land Use Plan changes, Mas…

Public hearing held monthly by the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment considers requests for Variances from the Little Rock Zoning Ordinance and interpretations of the Zoning Ordinance. Th…

Monthly meeting of the City Beautiful Commission

Public hearing held monthly by the Historic District Commission. The Commission meets to consider request(s) for Certificate of Appropriateness within Local Ordinance District(s). Certificates of Ap…

Public hearing held monthly by the Little Rock Planning Commission. The Commission considers requests for Rezonings, Subdivision Plats, Conditional and Special Use Permits, Land Use Plan changes, Mas…

Public hearing held monthly by the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment considers requests for Variances from the Little Rock Zoning Ordinance and interpretations of the Zoning Ordinance. Th…

Monthly meeting of the City Beautiful Commission

Public hearing held monthly by the Historic District Commission. The Commission meets to consider request(s) for Certificate of Appropriateness within Local Ordinance District(s). Certificates of Ap…

Public hearing held monthly by the Little Rock Planning Commission. The Commission considers requests for Rezonings, Subdivision Plats, Conditional and Special Use Permits, Land Use Plan changes, Mas…