Little Rock Water Reclamation Commission

The Sanitary Sewer Committee was created by Arkansas Code Annotated 14-235-206 - Little Rock Code, Section 35-103.  On May 19, 2015, Ordinance No. 21,040 was passed to amend Little Rock Code, Section 35-103, to add a section which named the Committee the Little Rock Water Reclamation Commission.  Its seven (7) members serve five (5)-year terms.  The duties of the Commission are to set policy and provide guidance to the Little Rock Wastewater Utility, the operating entity that provides sanitary sewer service to the Citizens of Little Rock.  Members are appointed by the Little Rock City Board of Directors.  Each member must be a Citizen of Little Rock with knowledge and experience fitting to his/her responsibility on the Commission.

The Little Rock Water Reclamation Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM in the Little Rock Wastewater Offices, 11 Clearwater Drive.

For More Information

Jean Block, CEO
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority
11 Clearwater Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204
(501) 688-1488

Arkansas Code Annotated 14-235-206 - Little Rock Code, Section 35-103; Ordinance No. 20,412 (March 1, 2011);  Amended via Ordinance No. 21,040 (May 19, 2015)
Five (5) Years
Seven  (7)
To set policy and provide guidance to the Little Rock Wastewater Utility, the operating entity which provides sanitary sewer service to the Citizens of Little Rock.
Members of the committee are appointed by the Little Rock City Board of Directors. Each member shall be a Citizen of Little Rock with knowledge and experience fitting to his/her responsibility on the Water Reclamation Commission.
Third Wednesday of Each Month
Little Rock Wastewater Utility Offices
11 Clearwater Drive
4:00 PM
Jean Block, CEO
Little Rock Wastewater Utility
11 Clearwater Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204
(501) 688-1410

Current Members

Ganelle Blake
Term Expires:  8-1-2026

Daryl Brown
Term Expires:  8-1-2024

Schawnee Hightower
Term Expires: 8-1-2028

Chris Marsh
Term Expires:  8-1-2027
Prentice O'Guinn
Term Expires:  8-1-2028

Jonathan Semans
Term Expires:  8-1-2026

Deborah Shock
Term Expires:  8-1-2025
City Director Lance Hines
(Board of Directors Liaison)
Term Expires:  12-31-2026