Friendly Driver Program Supervisor

The City of Little Rock seeks a Friendly Driver Program Supervisor (Supervisor) to develop and oversee the Friendly Driver Program (Program).  Click here for the job description and read below for an expanded explanation of the position. These details are intended to provide a deeper understanding of what the Supervisor will do but are not meant to be a complete list of duties.  Applicants are also encouraged to watch the video and explore the links on the main Program page to better understand the position and their fit to it.  The Program Supervisor will work approximately 20 hours/week with a flexible schedule.  Apply for the position by clicking the "APPLY" button below.



Lead the creation of Little Rock's Friendly Driver Program

Learn Other Programs:  The core of the program has already been developed by Fort Collins and a handful of other communities have adopted the program to their communities.  The Supervisor will obtain, collate, and become familiar with all available materials from other communities, and gain any available insights from their programs (particularly for how other communities have included pedestrian safety).

Local Laws:  The Supervisor will become familiar with state and local laws for bicyclists and pedestrians and modify the program to reflect those laws.

Little Rock Infrastructure:  The Supervisor will become familiar with existing bike and pedestrian infrastructure in Little Rock and how all road users should navigate it.

Little Rock Collisions:  The Supervisor will become familiar with overall statistics on bicycle and pedestrian collisions as well as informative case studies.

PowerPoint:  The Supervisor will use the PowerPoint presentation developed by Fort Collins as a template, plug in all of the locally-specific information into the presentation, and revise as necessary.

Present to LRPD:  The Supervisor will present the Program to LRPD officers before launch in order to confirm all interpretations of the law provided in the Program.

Collect Stories

The program depends on humanizing bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users.  The Supervisor will interview bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users, including those who have been involved in collisions.  These stories will be used in the Friendly Driver Program and by BikePed Little Rock.


The Supervisor will photograph people, infrastructure, and people using infrastructure to make the Friendly Driver Program more informative and stimulating.  These photos will be used in the Friendly Driver Program and by BikePed Little Rock.

SMART Cycling Course (required)

The League of American Bicyclists SMART Cycling Program contains essential information to develop and teach the Friendly Driver course.  The Supervisor must either have already taken the SMART Cycling course prior to application or be available to take the course on Saturday, August 11th and possibly the morning of Sunday, August 12thSMART Cycling is a prerequisite for taking the LCI course.  Registration for the course will be covered by the City and the Supervisor will be compensated for their time taking the course.

The course is a total of six hours, typically 9am-12pm in-class and 1-4pm parking lot and on-street practical skills.  However, the Supervisor should block off 1-4pm on the 11th and 9-12pm on the 12th for the outdoor portion of the course.  The instructor will make a determination of which time is optimal during the week of August 6th based on the weather forecast.

League Certified Instructor (LCI) (required)

The Supervisor will be certified as an LCI on or before Sept. 2nd.  This training is critical to have the expertise to oversee the Friendly Driver Program.  Unless the Supervisor is already one of the eight local LCI certified residents, the most likely path to certification will be through Little Rock's/North Little Rock's LCI certification course Aug. 31st-Sept. 2nd (which will be paid for by the City).  If these dates are impossible, the Supervisor is welcome to attend another LCI certification training course before Sept 2nd.  In this case, the City would still fund the cost of the course, but the Supervisor would be responsible for transportation and lodging.  A Smart Cycling course is a required prerequisite for taking the LCI certification course; the City will fund and make arrangements for the Supervisor to take a Smart Cycling course before the LCI course.

Recruit and Train Teachers

Friendly Driver Program Teachers (Teachers) will take the Smart Cycling course and ideally be LCI-certified as well. Depending on Teacher backgrounds, the Supervisor may have to run a Smart Cycling course for some or all teachers after Sept. 2nd.  Rather than the Supervisor "teaching the teachers" to instruct the Program, the Supervisor will work cooperatively with the teachers and the BikePed Coordinator to develop the Program. 

Recruit Program Participants

How can we recruit program participants?  The City of Fort Collins has determined that two effective strategies are to teach City fleet drivers and business fleet drivers.  Not only are individuals easier to reach as a group, and easier to interest because they drive for a living, but these may be the highest-value students possible.  Fleet drivers spend many more hours behind the wheel of a vehicle than a typical Little Rock resident, so their program participation is that much more effective at increasing safety.  After we have demonstrated local success, we may approach local judges to see if they are willing to allow the Program to be an option for driver remediation (as has been done successfully in Fort Collins). 

Ultimately, the Program seeks a reach beyond these groups.  In order to engage wider participation, the Supervisor will oversee the graphic design of promotional materials (again the heavy lifting has already been done by the City of Fort Collins), assist in the development of a landing website for the Program, direct advertising (newspaper and online), social media, and grassroots community outreach (neighborhood association meetings, information booths, etc.).  The Supervisor will maintain an email list of those who have taken the Program and those who have expressed interest in the Program.


The Supervisor's primary role will be the development and coordination of the program, but the Supervisor will also teach and co-teach some courses to be practically familiar with its instruction.  The Supervisor may also observe and evaluate the teaching of the Program.

Modify Program

Between the date of hire of the Supervisor and November 5th, the primary goal is to develop and improve the program.  The program will likely undergo several iterations through development in cooperation with Teachers and BikePed Little Rock prior to launch, but even after launch, it will be important to leverage participant feedback to improve the program.

Seek Additional Funding

Our current grant funding will not last beyond 2018.  If no other funding is found, BikePed Little Rock and volunteers would still be empowered to teach the Program into 2019 and beyond, but it would not be at the 2018 scale.  Even modest additional funding would allow the program to be much more effective.


The Supervisor will collect and compile metrics to gauge the Program's success.  Especially after November 2018, it is important that we are able to answer the questions:  "What were the impacts of this program?" and "Is this an effective program worthy of additional resources?" Data that will help answer those questions include but are not limited to:

1) How many personnel (Supervisor and Teachers) were trained to successfully develop and implement the program?
2) How many courses were held on or before Nov. 5th?
3) How many participants attended the courses on or before Nov. 5th?
4) What percentage of City of Little Rock fleet drivers attended the Program?
5) How many businesses participated in the Program?
6) To what degree were participants' understandings of the rights and responsibilities of all road users increased (pre/post test)?
7) How was participant affect impacted (toward vulnerable road users and enthusiasm to themselves travel by bike, transit, or foot) by the Program (pre/post test)?
8) How many neighborhood association meetings/information booths/etc. were attended by the Supervisor?
9) How many view/likes did social media advertising receive?
10) How many and what was the reach of participants discussing the program in social media/pictures of car window clings, etc.?
11) What was the distribution of various forms of print media?
12) What was the ratio of positive to negative feedback from program participants?

Of course, reducing the number and severity of car vs. bike and car vs. pedestrian collisions is the ultimate gauge of program success, but these results will be complicated to observe and require more data than can be gathered by Nov. 5, 2018.


The Supervisor will create a report in the month of November that will summarize the evaluation of the program in an easily digestible package for stakeholders.

If you have any questions about the Friendly Driver Program or about applying for the Supervisor position, please contact BikePed Little Rock at  Applications are due by July 27, 2018.