Parks Powered Results for the Rock

We're excited to announce an important initiative that will shape the future of our community: a proposal for a 1-cent sales tax on the upcoming November ballot. We're asking for your support to invest in the vital services and amenities that make our city a great place to live, work, and play.

Of the funds generated, nearly half will be dedicated to Parks & Recreation, ensuring that our parks, facilities, and recreational programs continue to thrive for generations. This investment will enable us to enhance and expand our parks system, develop new recreational opportunities, and maintain our existing amenities to the highest standards.

By voting yes for this sales tax, you're not just investing in parks and recreation – you're investing in the health, well-being, and quality of life of our entire community. Together, we can create a brighter, more vibrant future for all residents. Thank you for your support!

What's Happening?

Throughout the month of May, residents heard about the updated proposal for a 1-cent sales tax increase. This sales tax is added to your bill while shopping in Little Rock. Our current tax rate of 8.625% (1.125% goes to the City, and the other 6.5% goes to the State and County) is lower than other cities. For instance, North Little Rock, Hot Springs, and Fort Smith have a 2% city tax, while Cabot and Pine Bluff pay 2.5%. Mayor Frank Scott Jr. has proposed that Little Rock residents consider increasing the city sales tax rate to 2.125% for the next ten years. With state and county taxes combined, our local sales tax rate would be 9.625%, still lower than Fayetteville, Bryant, and nearby cities like Memphis and St. Louis.

How Could It Help Us?

The additional funds from this tax could significantly enhance our parks and address deferred maintenance in our facilities. A portion of the tax (3/8) will remain after ten years, effectively increasing our annual operating budget by 28%! Additionally, we can substantially invest $94 million into all our existing parks and facilities. Some projects will receive extra funds, but our Director has worked with the Mayor to ensure that our existing assets receive the critical resources they need. The proposed projects include an indoor and outdoor sports complex (2 sites) and the development of 15 acres of green space downtown, which is associated with the I-30 project.

Why Should We Care?

As supporters of Little Rock Parks & Recreation, it’s important to understand that this funding could transform our park system. It will allow city staff to be more proactive with projects and facility improvements. This investment will enable us to tap into the potential of our parks, facilities, and natural landscapes, benefiting our work and community.

What Can We Do?

At this stage, the proposal is undergoing discussions before it goes to the City Board for approval to be placed on the November ballot. As community advocates, it's essential for us to stay informed and engaged. We encourage you to ask questions, talk to your friends and neighbors, and share this website information.

Thank You!

Your dedication and commitment to our parks and recreation programs keeps us going! Let’s work together to improve all city parks - for us, our kids, and everyone who lives in or visits Little Rock for the next decade!