Helen T. Leigh
Museum Field Trip Grant
The MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History in partnership with the Arkansas Humanities Council offers travel grants to help students visit the museum for interactive programs that enhance teaching of World War I and II, as well as learn about the historic Arsenal Building and Civil War Arkansas. The grants offer up to $750 to public schools and community colleges during the fall and spring semesters.
Students from Piggott Elementary make their own poster, a souvenir from the program.
Helen T. Leigh Museum Field Trip Grant, 2018-2019
While there, teachers and students are encouraged to tour the museums, participate in various educational programs, and enjoy learning about our state’s military heritage on the homefront and around the world.
Grant Guidelines
The Helen T. Leigh Museum Field Trip Grant is available to public schools in Arkansas, grades 3 – 12, as well as public community colleges.
Field trips are available through the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History and must be scheduled prior to submitting the application. All field trips must take place at MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Maximum Award: $750.00*
Funds may be used for the following:
- Mileage Reimbursement: Up to .70 per roundtrip mile
- Costs Associated With Bus Driver(s) Fee and Use of Bus
- Substitute Teacher(s)
To schedule a field trip to MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, please contact the museum at 503 E. 9th Street, Little Rock, AR 72202, 501.376.4602 or email the Museum Program Coordinator, Shane Lind: alind@littlerock.gov
*If further funding is needed beyond the maximum amount of $750, please provide a justification and a total amount to accompany your application.
To apply for the grant, please read over and fill out the form below. To download and print a copy of the Grant Application please click the link below