Permanent Exhibits
From Turbulence to Tranquility: The Little Rock Arsenal
As you enter the museum, learn the history of the Little Rock Arsenal, established as a frontier military post in 1840, and subsequent uses of the site after the Arsenal closed in 1890.
Capital In Crisis: Little Rock and the Civil War
Through a series of exhibits, this gallery explores Arkansas’s involvement in the Civil War through four major themes: Capitol in Crisis, The Little Rock Campaign, David O. Dodd, and The Camden Expedition.

First Call: American Posters of World War I
Posters played an important role in World War I, used not only to justify involvement in the conflict, but alsoto procure men and resources for the war effort. Posters helped raise more than $30 billion through the Liberty and Victory Loan drives and promoted home front conservation efforts. In addition to the posters, interpretive panels and artifacts will discuss U.S. involvement in the war, imagery used in the posters and their success in fundraising and recruitment.

The Sun Never Sets on the Mighty Jeep: The Jeep During World War II
The Sun Never Sets on the Mighty Jeep is an exhibit that traces the history and development of the vehicle that became known as the Jeep during World War II. By war's end, the Jeep had become the "goodwill ambassador for the United States," carrying everything and everyone from privates to generals and presidents. The exhibit includes an original M1943 Willys Jeep.
Duty, Honor and Country: General Douglas MacArthur
Born in the tower building which now houses the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, Douglas MacArthur, one of the twentieth century's greatest war heroes, was also one of this country's most controversial military leaders. A brilliant soldier, MacArthur was one of the few American military leaders to challenge directly the authority of his civilian commander in chief. His role in national and international affairs, from World War I through Korea, made MacArthur an important historical figure.
By the President in the Name of Congress: Arkansas's Medal of Honor Recipients
The Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in military action that can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the United States' armed forces. The award recognizes action distinguished by gallantry “at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty.” This exhibit honors the 25 Arkansans whose service to our country has earned them the Medal of Honor.