Arkansas Freedom of Information Act Unit

Lt. James Sloan
Police Lieutenant

The Freedom of Information Act Unit (FOIA) is under the command of Lieutenant James Sloan; who reports to the Major over the Professional Standards Division. 

Arkansas Freedom of Information Act Requests (Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-101, et seq.)


  • The person making the request must be an Arkansas citizen. (Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-105(a)(1)(A))
  • Records are open to inspection and copying during the regular business hours of LRPD Headquarters – Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm (Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-105(a)(1)(A))
  • Include as much detail about the type and nature of the records you are seeking as possible. The request shall be sufficiently specific to enable the custodian to enable the custodian to locate the records with reasonable effort. (Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-105(a)(2)(C))
  • If the costs of reproducing the records in response to the request exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00), LRPD may request pre-payment of the costs before copying the records. (Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-105(d)(3)(A)(iii))


All accident report record requests should be directed to the records sections here.

All incident report record requests should be directed to the records section here.


For more information regarding the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, click here.

Arkansas Freedom of Information Act Handbook, download here. 

FOIA Request

A FOIA request can be made by completing the information below. 

(Street, City, State, Province/Region, Zip Code, Country)
(If Known)
(If Known)

For Official Use Only

The remainder of the form will be completed by personnel assigned to your request.

Request Received by:

Name: Department:

Record Provided by:

Date Provided: Time Provided: Number of Copies Made:___________ Charges: $____________

Received Signature: _______________________ Date:__________

Please Note: The three day time requirement does not start until the FOI request is assigned.