
Little Rock Police Department Divisions


Headquarters Division

Major Jonathan Prater
(501) 371-4605


The Headquarters Division is under the direction of a Major, who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police - Executive Bureau.

The Headquarters Division is comprised of two sections; Operations Support Section and Emergency Management Section. The Operations Support Section consists of the Property Room Unit, Warrants / Desk Officer Unit, Records Section, the Technology Section and the Facility Maintenance Unit. Finally, the Emergency Management Section is responsible for emergency preparedness, officer wellness and this section also manages the Extended leave Unit.

Patrol Division

12th Street/Downtown Station

Major Cody Miller
(501) 918-5130


Northwest Patrol

Major Brittany Gunn
(501) 918-3500


Southwest Patrol

Major Cassandra Davis
(501) 918-3900



Major Crimes Division

Major Cristina Plummer
(501) 371-4660


The Major Crimes Division is under the direction of a Major, who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police - Investigative Bureau.

The Major Crimes Division is responsible for investigations of Crimes against Persons including, homicide, aggravated assault, robbery, juvenile, sex offender, and financial crimes. The Major Crimes Division also has a Victim Services Unit that is responsible for providing information and referral services to victims of violent crimes.  Also included within this division is the Crime Scene Search Unit, which provides crime scene search and photographic services, as well as latent print examination, to all of the Department’s divisions.


Special Operations Division

Major Casey Clark
(501) 918-5100


The Special Operations Division is under the command of a Major, who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police - Field Services Bureau.

The Special Operations Division's goals are to focus on working with people directly to solve problems and to build relationships with the community they serve. While patrolling in the air, on foot, on motorcycles and in patrol cars, we are working together with the community on efforts targeted at preventing a physical and social decay, disorder, and fear of crime, in order to improve the overall quality of life in our schools and neighborhoods.

The Special Operations Division is comprised of the following specialized units: Airport Unit, Aviation Unit, Special Events/Hit & Run Unit, Canine Unit, Motorcycle Unit, Special Traffic Accident Reduction Team (S.T.A.R.T.) Unit, Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.) Unit. Other special units in the Special Operations Division include the Honor Guard, the Hostage Negotiation Team (H.N.T.), and the Special Response Unit (S.R.U.).

Special Investigations Division

Major Jordan Neufer
(501) 918-3800


The Special Investigations Division is under the direction of a Major, who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police - Investigative Bureau.

The Special Investigations Division is organized and tasked as the primary unit to investigate and suppress organized crime, vice, and narcotics related offenses.  The Division is organized into two units, Narcotics and Intelligence.  The Narcotics Unit is comprised of the Street Narcotics Squad and the Narcotics Interdiction Squad.  The Intelligence Unit is comprised of the Intelligence Squad, Gun Crimes Intelligence Unit and the Vice Squad.  The Division's activities are designed to support the action of the other divisions within the Department.  SID is also tasked with being the primary liaison between the Little Rock Police Department and our federal law enforcement partners.

Training Division

Major Eric Hinsley 
(501) 918-4300


The Training Division is under the direction of a Major who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police - Executive Bureau. 

The Division provides a wide range of training for both sworn and civilian personnel.  Officers are required to attend 40 hours of annual in-service training specific to the needs of the community. This includes deadly force training, bias-based profiling, domestic violence, legal updates, firearms proficiency, and realistic scenario-based training that complies or exceeds the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA standards and guidelines. The Division also maintains a firearms training and qualifications program, performs weapons inspections and ensures quality control of all departmentally issued equipment. 

The Training Division is divided into four units:  The Administrative/Records Unit, In-Service Unit,  Recruit Training Unit, and  Police Personnel Unit.

21st Century Community Policing Division

Major John Lott
(501) 371-4626


The 21st Century Community Policing Division is under the direction of a Major who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police - Investigative Bureau. 

The 21st Century Community Policing Division is the newest division in the police department. The tenants of the Division are based on the six pillars of the 21st Century Policing Commission which are Building Trust and Legitimacy, Policy and Oversight, Technology and Social Media, Community Policing and Crime Reduction, Training and Education, and Officer Safety and Wellness. The Division is divided into two sections the Public Information Section and the Community Services Section.
The Public Information Section is responsible for disseminating accurate information to the public and media. The Community Services Section is in charge of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program, Explorers Program, LGBTQIA + Liaisons, Citizen’s Police Academy and Alumni association. Also, the LRPD Youth Programs, and School Resource Officers (S.R.O.).



Professional Standards Division

Major Russell King 
(501) 371-4513


The Little Rock Police Department is committed to upholding the public trust by conducting unbiased and thorough internal investigations of alleged employee misconduct, while ensuring all persons involved are treated with respect. The Professional Standards Division is made up of the Internal Affairs Section, the Accreditation Unit, and the FOIA Unit.


Communications Department

Ms. Juana Green- Holmes

(501) 371-4829


The Communications Division is under the direction of a Captain who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police - Executive Bureau.

The Communications Division serves as the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for 9-1-1 calls. The division is comprised of civilian personnel who answer emergency and non-emergency calls and send the appropriate resources including police, fire and other city departments.


Cold Case Unit

Major Casey Clark

(501) 404-3128


Little Rock Police Department initiated the unit in an effort to reduce the number of open investigations. The unit is comprised of retired Little Rock Police Officers who have numerous years of investigative experience and they help to supplement the existing group of investigators.