Substance Abuse

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD)

The Little Rock ATOD is aimed at reducing the use of and demand for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in the community. It is implemented by the City of Little Rock's Community Programs Department. Adolescent substance abuse and related policy issues have become the primary focus of the ATOD initiative. The City of Little Rock funds a myriad of alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment (PIT) Programs through the FUTURE-Little Rock one-half cent sales tax. Identifying effective prevention strategies and potential policy changes in order to address alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse issues is a major concern to the Community Programs Department. It is the Department's belief that identification of the issues, identifying the most effective prevention strategies, and continually advocating for necessary policy changes could enhance the effectiveness of the PIT funded programs.

The goals for the department's ATOD initiative include:

  • Developing a more responsive public system, which provides sustaining and intensive relief to residents and neighborhoods.

  • Restoring a belief in the power of residents to make a difference.

  • Protecting the City's children from the effects of alcohol and other drug abuse.

  • Reclaiming neighborhood identity, facilities, and power against alcohol and other drug abuse.

  • Staff dedicated to achieve outline goals.

  • The goals are to be achieved by utilizing:

  • A strong neighborhood focus

  • A strong participation by the private sector

  • Sustaining a strong, intensive, and public sector commitment and financial investment

  • Innovative and nontraditional approaches

  • Resident driven neighborhood initiatives

A new City-wide service assuring a continuum of cared for residents who need assistance in recovering from alcoholism and other drug addiction.

Helpful Information

Drug Abuse Hotline - (800) 895-2719