Our Partners

Community schools are a community effort! The Little Rock School District and City of Little Rock have collaborated to support this project. In the pilot year, several local organizations joined to support families and communities, including those listed below.


Community School Partners


To support food security efforts, the Arkansas Food Bank stocked emergency food pantries and provided emergency food boxes. Americorps and the Full Circle Farmcorps assisted with implementing community gardens and greenhouses. The World Central Kitchen provided meals through monthly Community Cafe food trucks.

To support healthcare equity, Community Schools partnered with Arkansas Children's Hosptial to open school-based healthcare clinics that serve students and their families and connect families with primary care providers and wellness services.

To support academics, several organizations partnered to offer after school care and tutoring. AR Kids Read tutors worked individually with children both virtually and in-person to provide targeted academic support. Central Arkansas Library Services (CALS) provided support in a variety of areas including academic support, reading material donation, and more.

Throughout the course of the year, Community Schools were very fortunate to have support from a variety of other individuals and organizations. Any support, whether it is in the form of donations, hands-on support, feedback, or programming, is crucial in creating the strong community networks needed for Community Schools to be successful. We look forward to continuing to build and expand our partner and support networks in coming years.